Thursday, March 31, 2011

Remarkable Faith: Worship!

Today, I am participating in Mary at Giving Up On Perfect's Remarkable Faith journey! Today, we are sharing about the most defining worship moments in our lives.

When I was 13, I had issues. I was so troubled, lost, and making wrong decisions every which way. My biggest wrong decision came in my choice to discriminate against my beloved cousin, Hannah, because of the brand of clothing she wore. Don't remind me!

That fight lasted for over a year, and then suddenly the feeling that I needed to end it, started creeping up. I couldn't shake it. The thing is, I had long since stopped hating Hannah. I never really even hated her in the first place! We are like sisters. It broke my heart to see us become enemies, but I was just so confused at that time that I didn't know what I wanted or how to achieve it.

I sent her an apology email. This is what it said:

    I just wanted to let you know that I don't hate you. I have been really immature and selfish but I'm sorry. I've grown up more now and I don't want to be in any kind of childish fight with you, whether or not we actually acted anything but nice to each other. I just wanted to say all of this so you would know but you think whatever you want of me. We are cousins and I'm so sorry I've acted so bratty. Truce?
and a whole, painstakingly long 24 hours later, she sent me this:
 I don't want to be in this fight either. I'm glad to know that you don't hate me and I want to let you know that I don't hate you either. I don't guess I have been very mature about any of this either and I'm sorry. I want us to be able to be friends and talk to each other like we used to. truce. 


Right then and there, I thanked God. I knew that with the kind of sinner I had been, it must be a miracle for my amazing cousin to forgive me. Right then and there, my outlook on God went from zero to He is my hero!

It wasn't a fad either. It did not go away, Hannah and ?I stayed friends, and I continued to praise God in all situations, so thankful for His mercy and grace.

I took my little, light blue, mini New Testament and started reading. I was eager to soak up all that I could.

That was in late July.

I was so excited at  the sight of my relationship with Him growing.  I read my Bible some before bed each night.

One day, it was December 2nd. My 14th Birthday. It had seriously been the best birthday ever, and the first birthday I had ever felt truly happy on. It was a new experience for me, and a wonderful one. When I pulled out my Bible and opened it up, I began to read in Revelation. A few minutes later, I was looking at the FAQ section.

I did it. I read through the entire New Testament. My first attempt at soaking  up His mighty Words.

That was the best birthday present I've ever gotten.

So there you have it. That was the turning point of my life. That first experience, that accomplishment of finishing the Bible for the first time ever, after so much turmoil, is my most defining moment. I'm going to leave you off with this song, which was the first song I listened to once I found my faith. I instantly memorized the words, and I still sing it to calm me down when I'm panicking. Works like a charm. :)


  1. Sydney, what an amazing testimony! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  2. Ah yes. I remember those days of seeing everything as black or white. I think you showed amazing bravery in writing to your cousin and thanks for including her reply. God was really at work within you both! Blessings.
