Friday, March 25, 2011

Even in Darkness, There is Light.

I'm sure most of you know about my complete and utter obsession and passion for Reece's Rainbow orphans. If you don't, read on. Even if you do, read on. We have big things to do for a tiny little girl!

Have you ever been completely moved?

Has your heart ever melted into a complete puddle at the sight of something?

Have you lungs ever been completely void of oxygen, out of pure shock and sadness?

Have you ever been motivated enough to want to drop everything and just DO SOMETHING?

I feel your pain.

No, I feel Carrington's pain.

Beloved Friends, meet Carrington:

Carrington's mommy brought her home on St. Patricks day, and not a moment too soon either.

Can you guess how much  Carrington weighed last Thursday?

Never in a million years.

11 Pounds!

And she is 3 years old.

Do you know how wrong that is? I'll show you. But be aware, it's shocking. It's horrible. It was a little 3 year olds fate before last Thursday.


I don't know what else to say.

A thought just occurred to me: Carrington has Down Syndrome. I've been pouring over her story for hours, and it never even crossed my mind.

Who cares? What I mean is, who could love a child any less, who could do THAT to a child...

Just because of an extra chromosome?

Now that, I will never understand.

I feel so strongly for all these orphans. Abandoned, kicked into a crib to literally disappear, never even given a chance...

I'm just SO THANKFUL that Carrington was given a chance.

Carrington's mommy, Shelly, has a sweet friend who has started blogging about Carrington's journey. You can get the latest updates on Carrington there!

Please keep Carrington in your prayers as she still has a long way to go before she is out of the hospital and home with her family.

The thing is, that through all of this sadness, neglect, shock, horror, and helplessness, there is hope.

It's in the eyes of this little girl who God decided deserved a lot more time on Earth than just 3 years.

Thank you, God!

Another thing that happened last Thursday, was the proposal of my 'exciting idea'.

Remember that?

Well, I just want you guys to know that because of your sweet encouragement it's going great!

We are raising money for Olga, and also another little girl named Kameron.

Kameron's family is coming to get her on Sunday!

Thankfully, she is in a much better condition than Carrington, but she never got all the money she needed in her adoption fund.

So, over at Forever After, we are raising "emergency" money for Kameron.

Aren't orphans just the sweetest?

Pray, ladies.
"Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me." (Matthew 18:5)

 "Remember those…who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." (Hebrews 13:3)

1 comment:

  1. My heart is moved. I will pary for these little one's.
