Friday, March 4, 2011

"Bubba" Day

Have you ever met someone who was just so kind? Who never took a day for granted? Who cherished every moment of their life? Who had an award winning smile that could brighten even the worst of days? I have.

Alex “Bubba” Peck.

Alex was born with Cerebral Palsy. That just goes to show you: even confined to a wheelchair, I know Alex encouraged so many more people than many of us. He was just… great.

If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve been writing in past tense. Oh, how I wish I didn’t have to tell you this.

Back in December, Alex got very sick. He caught a bad infection.

On December 18, Alex’s spirit left Kosair Children’s Hospital headed to the place we all know as Heaven.

He was only 13. It’s so incredibly… sad. I know it’s so cliché, but he really is in a better place. With the best One of all.

Alex left behind a memory that will never be forgotten. That was made so evident today, during a day I can only call… “Bubba” Day.

February 27th would have been Alex’s 14th  Birthday. In memory, the mayor of our town organized this day to celebrate.

I am an assistant teacher at his old middle school, so I was there to experience it all.

First, everyone was given a green ribbon (if they wanted one) to wear. It was a pledge to be kind and smile, as Alex had done everyday.

There were large handmade signs with inspirational things written on them. I remember one in particular:

“Bubba Day is the Sun’s Ray”

During lunch, the sweet kiddos that had been in Alex’s special needs class passed out candy. I got a mint:

Happy "Bubba" Day 2011!

We are "mint" to be kind to everyone!

My favorite thing about the day, though, was something a sixth grader named Zoë said to me after school. (I wait outside to make sure the kids get to their buses. I do a little bit of everything!)

Zoë walked right up to me and said, “ Why do we need to have a day for being kind?”

I don’t know, Zoe!

She really poses a great question. Why do we need special ribbons and chocolates to get kids to be kind to each other? Alex was kind everyday, without any ulterior motive.

He was REAL.

Thank you, Alex, for overcoming all else and leaving your mark on this world. Because in the end, that’s all that really matters.

See you Someday.

“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord. And he worshiped the Lord there.” – 1 Samuel 1:27-28



  1. That was so inspirational! Like always i'm glad I stopped by. I'm amazed at how kids make the simple but most thought provoking comments. Have a great weekend!
    {tara} from Undeserving Grace

  2. Aww what a great remembrance and I liked what Zoe said too, we should always be kind.I really don't understand why people are so mean and rude sometimes..its hard to live here or even get sucked in..good to remember this!
