Saturday, March 12, 2011

Godly Character Quality #18: Availability!

Today's character Quality is a hard one to submit to. It takes a lot of selflessness!

Availability vs. Self- Centeredness: Making my own schedule and priorities secondary to wishes of those I am serving. - Philippians 2:20-21

That video is some really inspiration. Maren is 14 years old... and she is cleaning out attics or volunteering at soup kitchens. Talk about availability! Her whole life is based off of the needs of OTHERS. I think that's just fantastic.

I couldn't even keep up with my New Years resolution to read the Bible in a year {Though I restarted this on Wednesday!}. Maren should be a role model to us all, because even though I'm older than her... what other person of any age has this kind of dedication?

We don't, but we should. J.O.Y: Jesus first, others second, yourself last.

The thing that makes us most happy is to serve others. It's so fulfilling to help people out! More than that, it is pleasing to God when we do good. So don't wait any longer!

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." - 1 Peter 4:10-11

  If you haven't done so in a while, please try. You could:

  • Give the person behind you in line at the store a coupon. {Last week at Kohl's, the woman in front of me just handed me her 30% of coupon because she wasn't going to be using it. Wow. I've NEVER done that. Those coupons usually sit in the bottom of my purse for a year.}
  • Cook dinner for someone {It doesn't have to be a special occasion, and it doesn't have to be someone you know well either. Reach out to your neighbors! This is a really sweet and easy way to serve.}
  • Help someone declutter their life {Physically and mentally! Lend a helping hand by assisting them in spring cleaning, all the while talking and connecting. It serves both parties.}
It's time. Surrender to Christ. Give it all up to Him! Be a blessing to someone else.

How have you served someone else this week? What made you do so?



  1. Wonderful and inspirational post. I am trying my teach my teen more availability. He used to be so good at it till he hit the teenage years. He need a refresher course.

    I love doing little things for people. It just makes me feel good and happy to help others.I don't need anything else just paying it forward.

    For example when I take my son to the hospital I purchase all day parking ticket and then I hand it over to some senior citizen trying to figure out the ticket machine. The look on their faces makes it all worth it.

  2. Wow this isn't good, I'm having to really think how I've helped someone else this week. I got it, my girls and I have been walking our neighbor's dog the last few days while they are out of town. Great exercise for us and the dog is so incredibly excited to see us. I need to make it a much more regular thing though!

  3. Great post! I am going to bake my big bread recipe today and take some to our neighbor who has been a total blessing in our lives since she moved in!

  4. You've got to try that coupon thing! It's awesome -- more fun to give even than to receive. Really!!! :)

    Love your blog. Very cute! Great content.

  5. Hi! Stopping by from the weekend blog hop. Nice to meet a fellow Christian blogger! I totally agree w/ all you said above. I actually have not done a lot of serving this week, but have been the one being served/blessed. I am so thankful to have sweet friends in my life during times like these. My 5 yr old had surgery yesterday & my 15 month old has been running fever & I am sick as well. When it rains it pours, huh? Anywho-friends & family have stopped by and brought food & well wishes. What a sweet blessing that I can pass on!
    Thanks for the post & have a great weekend. :)


    P.S. I am following u via GFC now. :)
