Friday, March 25, 2011

Choosing to SEE: A Giveaway!

Today, I am absolutely over the moon to announce a new giveaway. :) Trust me, your going to love it!

Choosing to SEE By Mary Beth Chapman

I first heard about this book through a friend, and I decided to give it a chance. I quickly purchased it on my Kindle {Yes, I have one and I love it!} and was COMPLETELY hooked by the end of the first chapter.

Here is what Amazon has to say:

I've told my kids for years that God doesn't make mistakes," writes Mary Beth Chapman, wife of Grammy award winning recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman. "Would I believe it now, when my whole world as I knew it came to an end?" Covering her courtship and marriage to Steven Curtis Chapman, struggles for emotional balance, and living with grief, Mary Beth's story is our story--wondering where God is when the worst happens. In Choosing to SEE, she shows how she wrestles with God even as she has allowed Him to write her story--both during times of happiness and those of tragedy. Readers will hear firsthand about the loss of her daughter, the struggle to heal, and the unexpected path God has placed her on. Even as difficult as life can be, Mary Beth Chapman Chooses to SEE.

Outside of this blog, I've been recommending this book left and right. I don't even know how to describe how amazing it is! Seriously, there aren't words.

This book is Mary Beth's life changing memoir about the process of choosing to SEE God in all things, even as she struggles through marriage, adoption, and tragedy. No one will be disappointed, because there is a little something for everyone: Laughter, crying, happiness, melancholia, and so much more. It's a true story of a real life.

I cannot recommend this book more highly. It is my all- time favorite!

I'm giving you the chance to become as utterly obsessed with Mrs. Chapman and her beautiful, empowering story as I am:

One lucky reader will receive a brand-new copy of Choosing to See!

Here is how you can enter to win:

Leave a comment telling me what YOUR all-time favorite book is!

Additional Entries:

  • Become a follower on Google Friend Connect {If you already are one of my sweet followers, then by all means leave a comment!}
  • Post on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. about the giveaway.
Be sure to leave a new comment for each entry!

This giveaway will be open until 4:00pm next Friday {April 1st.}. That's 7 days to get your entries in!

Please enter so that you can read this life-changing, wonderful, true story.



  1. Hmmmm...I read so much I can't pick an all time favorite. But I CAN pick my favorite new author for 2010. Well, she was new to me. Her name is Shauna Niequest and I love her writing style. Her two books are called Cold Tangerines and Bittersweet. Loved them both but would start with Cold Tangerines. The books are a series of essays about family, faith, friendship and food. It feels like sitting down with a girlfriend when you ready her. Can you tell I love her! :)
    Going to do a post on her soon!
    Am already a follower and I'm not good at the FB/Twitter thing. I'll take my chances with one comment! lol
    Thanks and be blessed!

  2. I totally can't pick a favorite book. If you forced me too, I'd say "Theory of Relativity" by Jacquelyn Mitchard. There is ONE line the in epilogue that made me place it in a special heart place (as my 5yo would say)

  3. Oh I've so many favorite books - each for a different mood. Diary of a Provincial Lady, when I want a quiet, light, laugh. Original Goodness, by Eknath Easwaran, A Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Simple Abundance, and most of E. Nesbit - wonderful, timeless children's stories.

  4. Ifollow you on GFC

  5. i like you on facebook :)

  6. I love A Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.

  7. I just don't know if I can pick a favorite. LOL! In the past, I have read MANY novels by Janette Oke and Beverly Lewis.

    One little gem that I like is called "A Shepherd's Look at the 23rd Psalm." It's so helpful in understanding the true meaning of one of my favorite passages.

  8. I just tweeted this @TotallyTember. :)

  9. my favorite book is "walking on water" by madeleine l'engle; it's a book all about faith and art and the intimate relationship between the two. changed the way i saw a lot of stuff in my life.

  10. Not sure what my absolute favorite book is...
    I love Dune (which people find insanely random!)
    I love Pride & Prejudice and Emma (I read both of these books multiple times growing up)
    I love Blue Like Jazz (helped me overcome some biases and reconnect)
    I keep thinking of more and more books!!! I am just a reader....

  11. I have so many books that I love. One of my favorites is Wild Swans - it follows the lives of 3 generations of women in China. It really helped me understand the culture from which my children were born. I also like anything by Peter Hessler, for the same reason as above. It is only through understanding that we can accept and truly love, even the hard parts.


  12. I have seen this book and thought it looked like a great one! Hmm... too hard to pick a favorite. The last book I read that I loved was Ann's book One Thousand Gifts. It was wonderful!

  13. Really cant pick one favorite book other then the Bible, I have several rerreads and ones that I enjoy.

  14. All time favorite!?! Ahh, it's so hard, but I have to go with Breaking Free by Beth Moore. I love Beth Moore. She is such a light and inspiration to me as a writer. The book came to me when I needed it the most (because God is so awesome) and I go back to it often for encouragement.
    Off to Tweet about this...but I've given up Facebook for Lent. Hope I win! :) Thanks Sydney for being so awesome!!!

  15. I just "liked" your facebook page.

  16. I always have said the book "Shepherd of the Hills" by Harold Bell Wright is my all time favorite. It is set in the Ozarks - a place I love to go and is a beautiful story of forgiveness.

  17. Shared your link on Facebook :-)

  18. I just shared about your blog and your giveaway on my blog, Requirements.

  19. I'm a new follower of your blog!

  20. It's so hard to pick a favorite book. I usually read the O'Malley Series, including the prequel,by Dee Henderson each year. To my students, I recommend The Man Who Loved Clowns, by June Rae Wood. I read the books of Ruth (love the Kinsman Redeemer study) and Esther (For such a time is this!). Okay, probably posted more than you wanted, but you asked a very difficult question!

  21. My favorite book of all-time would be Max Lucado`s Next Door Savior. I think I`ve learned more about Jesus` character as a friend and loving God more as I read (and cried) through the chapters.

    I tweeted this and added you up!

