Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Post 100! A Look Back.

 Wow. It's been 100 posts (but NOT 100 days!) since I started this blog! Surreal. I look over and see the number 63 on my Google Friend Connect. Even more surreal. Did you know that for over a month (about half of this blogs life) I had 0 followers? I was never discouraged by that though. I was empowered by it! My first 2 sweet followers were Erin and Ashley, who both came around Valentines Day and ever since, I've been growing!

I wanted to take a little trip back in time to highlight some of my greatest (and not so great) posts. To start, I had to go back to where it all started.

Now, I know this is cheesy. Really cheesy. I'm almost to embarrassed to revive it from the archives, but:

Welcome to Faithful Always. Recently, I have made the decision to involve God in every aspect of my life. I find that I really do need God in my life and I find myself turning to him at unexpected times. I have turned my life over to a higher power and let me tell you, its wonderful! My purpose is not to force my beliefs off on other people. Everyone of every religion is welcome here. My purpose is to blog about my journey with the Lord, discuss it with others, and share some of my favorite resources. This will be a fun blog and a great place to fellowship and share about how God has affected your life! I pray that this will be a great successful blog for all to enjoy! - January 9, 2011

That was the first thing I ever wrote on this blog. That doesn't even describe this blog anymore! Let's move on to something else: Serving God vs. Guitar Hero. This is still one of my favorites, because it's just so interesting! Excerpt:

 ...I think that's what Jesus is saying here. We're the ones with the arms and legs and hands and feet. We're the ones holding the guitar. But He's the one who wrote the song. Unless we're watching for Him to tell us what chords to play, we can stand up there and strum all we want, but we're gonna crash and burn. And the Bible is like our video screen. It's got all the notes of His song already laid out. We've just got to read them, and then act them out." - January 21, 2011

Read the full post here.

Next up is: The Power Of Prayer: A Realization! I like that one a lot, and it's about how all of our prayer DO get answered, and it also includes the story of Lazarus (I think that story is in another blog post a well! Can you tell it's a favorite?). Excerpt:

God provides. There are plenty of testimonies out their to prove my point. Stick to God's principles, and you will always be rewarded. God doesn't want us to go without. That is evident in my family's story, because we went from having none at all to being triply blessed.

Sometimes, when faith is low, you need some kind of sign to show that God is there, He does love you, and He will provide for you. Don't let that message escape you.

God has given me his Blessed Assurance. He does answer prayers and he does care deeply for each and everyone of His children. He loves us all so much, and we must love Him back. - January 25, 2011
Read the full post here. 

Next, we go to my favorite character quality post: Godly Character Quality #7: Discernment! (Satan's Ultimatum). I think I would say this is my FAVORITE post. However, as much as I love it, it was also a hard decision I made when deciding to share it. I shared the story the story of something that I am very embarrassed to have done, but also something that was so important, as it lead to my salvation. Excerpt:

...To wrap it all up, I must say this: Everyone has their own personal flaws and struggles. Even you. Sometimes your flaws can be even greater than you could have imagined. You are by no means perfect, so don't hold other people up to unrealistically perfect standards. For whatever you are wanting to judge them for, you probably have something much worse. It may not be obvious to you, but it's there. Learn to stop nit-picking and look beyond others to see your true self. It may not be a pretty sight, but in time, time spent in a holy way, you can make it one. Understand yourself first, or you will never understand others! - February 2, 2011

Read the full post here.

Lastly, I want to share with you this post: Perfectly Imperfect. This was my realization that maybe I don't want to be perfect. Maybe I'm already perfect just the way I am. Excerpt:

I, am one of the least perfect people out there. I make mistakes, I have more flaws than I care to discuss, I don't always make the right decisions, and I get stressed out with the best of them. However, with all that said, I would never want to be perfect. Yes, I'm saying I would rather be IMperfect. - February 21, 2011

Read the full post here.

All in all? I couldn't be happier! This has been a great adventure into my first "century" of posts. And this is only the beginning of what is to come! I never in a MILLION YEARS would have guessed that my blog would grow to be what it is today, with actual readers! 60+ of them! I never would have dreamed I could come up with 100 things to post, let along 500 or even 1,000 someday!

I guess this just goes to show ME: Anything is possible!

Thank you so much my sweet friends, for joining me on this adventure.

Many blessings!

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  1. Congrats! I can still remember stumbling upon your blog and seeing one of the "Godly Character Quality" posts and thinking it might be a blog worth following. Little did I know...

  2. Congrats! I think its so awesome to look back on older posts and see how much we can progress as writers, and see just how much God has done in our lives!
    Keep it up sweet girl!!
