Thursday, March 17, 2011

What do you think? An exciting idea!

I love blogging. I'm completely obsessed with it. So obsessed that I practically begged my sister to start a blog so i could help her and design it for her.

Maybe I'm not the best influence. :)

Anyway, I'm always thinking about how I want to be a blessing to other people and really do something to show that I care.

As I was planning Monday's post (Monday is World Down Syndrome day, hint hint) this idea just came to me.

My favorite part of blog design is the headers. That's why, if you've been reading for a while, you have seen my header change about a thousand times.

I thought it would be great to just do it for free. I'm not trying to make money here, whatsoever. So not my goal.

I know of several families who are adopting children that happen to possess that magical extra chromosome (a.k.a. Down Syndrome) and they need all the financial help they can get.

What if I offered blog/header design...

  1. Free to anyone who first donates to the family yet to be chosen's adoption fund.

2. Charge a fee for blog design that would go towards family yet to be chosen's adoption fund.

So, please let me know what you think! I'm dying for opinions! Good idea or not? Suggestions?

Maybe I'm not even any good at design, but I love doing it and I really want to find a way to help fundraise to get these babies home sooner!


  1. I think your header is beautiful! It could be worth trying. Maybe you could offer different services (header, follow buttons, etc) for suggested donation prices?

  2. Yes, it's all mine! Thanks so much for the encouragement! You're so sweet. Great idea with the suggested donations, I'll probably go with that.

    I just hope thaat once I offer it, people will actually come to me for design! It would be disappointing to get NO business after I got so excited to fundraise.

  3. I think it's a fantastic idea to do either or both. You're so sweet trying to help.

    Fundraising is hard, but don't give up....any little helps and I think you have a good angle on it.

  4. I do think your header is great and I also think this is a wonderful idea. Seems to me that bloggers in general have big hearts and really like to help worthwhile causes. Go for it!

  5. I'm following your blog now from blogfrog. And I love your seem to have great taste and I think your idea is awesome!! I'm having so much fun finding all these great bloggers..I look forward to reading and connecting.

  6. I think it is a wise and wonderful idea. God bless you! I know of a family that has adopted several DS children and is trying to adopt 5 more at this time. The wife has a blog, but I don't know if she'd be interested in a new header. I could find out though. :o)
