Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hope for Two Teens

Most of you know that I am BIG on advocating for orphans. I’m here every week posting about different orphans, family news, ways to help, etc.

Usually, I’m advocating for the younger ones. The 5 year olds who have just been transferred to mental institutions. The 2 & 3 year old blonde girlies on my sidebar. I love them all!

However, some orphans aren’t as lucky as all those on my Rescued Angels page. They don’t get rescued by age 5. They have to wait.

Christy, over at Hope for the Forgotten, has been doing some serious advocating for 2 little boys named Maxim and Emmitt. Only they really aren’t that little. They are both thirteen.

Yes, 13! An age when boys should be going to the movies, or hanging out with friends. NOT lying in cribs in foreign countries.

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

Their situations are so desperate. Both boys are bedridden. They are hopeless. We must give them hope.

Emmit is listed on Reece’s Rainbow. This is what they have to say about him:

“Emmitt is a sweet boy.  He is living in one of the mental institutions, and has been for many years, yet he remains sweet, intelligent, and kind.  Two of our adopting families met him while they were there, and are pleading for a family to save him.  From his medical records:  myelomeningocele  (spina bifida)   From one of our adoptive families:  ” Emmitt has a severe deformity of his legs.  He cannot walk at all.  He is very friendly, funny, and talkative. He desperately seeks out attention.  He was talking to my husband, and holding Zack’s hand, which he then put on top of his head for Zack to rub his hair.  He is extremely intelligent, and just precious!  I brought him paper and crayons, and he drew me a flower. J

We are seeking more official medical information about his condition, but hope someone out there will see this sweet young man and know his kind and loving spirit.”

That is so, unbelievably sweet! It makes me want to cry. Emmitt is no different than any other boy here in America. He loves people. He draws pictures! All he needs is a forever family to save his life.

Maxim is listed through Life2Orphans.

Maxim is 13 years old and bedridden. He is being sponsored to receive medical care, but he needs more than that. He needs a family. Everyone who meets him is touched by his beautiful spirit.

In just 3 years, Maxim is going to turn 16. He will not be eligible for adoption any longer. After he turns 16, he will be left to spend the rest of his life in a bed.

What gets me the most about Maxim and Emmitt is that they are teenagers! They aren’t toddlers anymore. They’re 13 years old!!!

Help breath hope into the lives of 2 teens in need. Keep them in your prayers! J

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. – Romans 12:12


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