Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday #3: What if...

This is definitely a thought question.

I'd have to say... an orphan.

Not the typical response, I'm sure. I thought about it, but I'm not really interested in a movie star. Of course, there are millions of lovely inspirational people out there whose shoes I'd love to step into, but this is my one shot...

Orphan for sure.

I have a great passion for orphans. I think that to be able to live their life for a day, would be the inspiration of a lifetime. It would set fire to the already burning passion in my heart, that's for sure.

I would be able to learn so much from an experience like this. It's not typical, it's not ideal, and it's so not movie stardom, but it IS life.

Life for orphans.

Plus... do they get to live my life for 24 hours? Because really, that's why I would do it. So that an underprivileged orphan could experience the blessed life I've been given.

It's a step in the life saving direction.

This isn't really a "what if" for me.

I did move 3,000 miles away.

What (or more accurately, who) do I miss? I miss my amazing best friend, Sabrina.

She is a constant source of energy, fun, support, love, laughter, everything you could ask for all in one pretty package. I really value my friendship with her. We've know each other since kindergarten and I haven't even seen her in 5 years! 

Love ya, girl.

Well... I'd have to say, no. Right now I'm thinking, "Of, course!", but it's just not meant to be.

I certainly don't understand it all yet, but I believe there is a reason for everything.

I don't know why we die, but I know that we have a purpose to be fulfilled here on Earth.

No matter our life span, we all complete out purpose. Maybe we don't even realize what our purpose is yet... but someone does. This is a hard call, so that's why I'm leaving it up to God.

I'll live as long as it is in His will; and when He wills me to go on and live with Him in his Kingdom, then I'll go.

This is not to say, however, that I don't hope to live a LONG, happy life! 100+ years here we come!


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