Saturday, March 19, 2011

Forever After Designs

They say, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

However, if I were the one building Rome, it probably would have been built in a day.

Just like the new blog design website!

I created it all last night. It was a lot of work too! It was really fun though.

Anyways, do you want to know who the family we are fundraising for is?

The Abell's! 

The Abell family {Chris and Jenn} are adopting Olga through Reece's Rainbow.

Jenn's lovely blog is Saving our Starfish, if you want to check her out.

For the business, I chose the name Forever After Blog Designs:

"Bringing orphans home forever,
one blog design after another."

I'm excited to start designing blogs! Check out the new site:

Forever After Blog Designs

Thanks so much everyone for all of your encouragement. I hope it works out great, for everyone! :)


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