Monday, March 28, 2011

Message Monday: Jesus Calms the Storm

Today kicks of the new Serve One Another In Love site! A new feature is going to be Message Monday, where people can write about the message they heard in church yesterday, or just a message they want others to hear, and link it up!

I'm sharing a message that I've actually been thinking about for a while before yesterdays service. We read the passage in Mark 4:35-41 where  Jesus and his disciples are traveling from one side to another in a boat. A huge windstorm arises, and Jesus is asleep, so the disciples frantically wake him.

After Jesus calms the storm, he says to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?"
The message we get from this is that we have no reason to doubt Him. It reminds me of something else I wrote about today, which is giving up on being a control freak. Some things are better left "uncontrolled", but it is just so hard to give up on our desire to handle it everything ourselves. We have to have faith that He will get us through all situations, good or bad. There is no situation too big for God to handle. If we will just trust him and let him guide us, He can control all of our inner storms.