Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Godly Character Quality #17: Determination! {For Lent}

Today is Ash Wednesday. I've been particularly looking forward to this day for a while.

Character Quality #17 is.... Determination vs. Faint- Heartedness: Purposing to Accomplish God's
goals in God's timing regardless of the opposition. - 2 Timothy 4:7-8

That's right. Today is the start of Lent, and we are all determined that we can do it. But it's not about US. It's about God! That's why we are doing it now. We aren't putting off the start of Lent until it's convenient for us. We are purposing to achieve that spiritual closeness God longs to have with us, NOW. This is why I feel that Lent is such an important season to celebrate!

I am already doing the cliche things. No chocolate or beverages besides water for the next 40 days. Okay, now what? For most people, nothing. Lent has been simplified to, "No chocolate until Easter."

I want these next 40 days to be a meaningful experience. Not just a deprivation of sugar (or so we think)experience.

Why do we observe Lent?

We do it for Jesus. Jesus made the biggest most important sacrifice ever... He gave his life for us! The Ultimate Sacrifice. The way I see it, we sacrifice something personal in honor of Him.

We make it hard. It really shouldn't be hard at all. What's so challenging about taking on/giving up one think so that we will have more time to honor Christ?

For the next 40 days I'm going to focus on strengthening my relationship with Him. Freshen up my Bible study, pray more often for more things, and be more selfless.

I always have 4 goals that I set for myself and ask God to help me accomplish every night: To not judge, to have empathy, to Obey, and to not complain.

I want this to be a time where my spiritual life can grow. I've never really known the meaning of Lent before. It used to just be a time where I didn't eat a certain food. But now I understand that there is a meaning. We wouldn't do this for nothing. We set aside our desires and empty ourselves of us so that we can be filled with Christ. :)

I won't be doing a Lent series, but you should drop by Serving One Another In Love where Heather is hosting one.

 I'm praying for us all to have a wonderful, purposeful, meaningful, Christ filled Lent.


P.S: Am I the only one who was out of the loop? Apparently, Mardi Gras is not just a month long celebration in Louisiana. It used to be just one day. The day before Ash Wednesday. Now, it is commonly known as Fat Tuesday. A day where you indulge in rich foods (like doughnuts) before fasting for Lent.

I have never heard of this until yesterday!


  1. What a nice post, Sydney! You have certainly challenged me!
    Thank you!

  2. Hi Sydney! Love your blog, and this is a great post.
    I've decided to give up Facebook for Lent. God is too Mighty for me to be spending my idle time checking what people are doing. God's moving in my life and this is going to be a great Lent season! Thanks for sharing!

  3. You're not the only one out of the loop! I just put this all together yesterday too! lol...We've been under the same rock apparently =)
    Thank you for this post about Lent..and I love your 4 goals to live by! =)
