This year, for Lent, I gave up all drinks besides water. {Seeing as how I'm addicted to tea, this was a challenge for me!} At first I missed drinking tea so badly. I couldn't keep my mind off of it! Plain old unflavored water just couldn't compete with delicious flavorful green tea!
It's been almost 2 weeks now, and I don't really miss tea at all. I know that I'm only drinking water until Easter, so I don't dwell on tea. This little experience has led me to a bigger, much more important question:
What if, instead of a break from drinking tea, you take a break from your relationship with God?
Just a break, right? When it's over, you'll turn right back to Christ and build you relationship back up again.
Only... what if you find that you DON'T miss it? You aren't longing for your relationship with Christ back. You are content to just drift away and take which ever path Satan leads you towards.
Then we have a problem.
Some things that we give up over the course of life {like tea!} are beneficial to us. They improve our lives.
Other things, like Bible reading and our time with the Lord, should not be given up. Ever!
The thing is, that once we get more lenient and stop spending time in the Word, we start to get used to it. It becomes routine for us not to read the Bible. We stop MISSING it.
We should miss it! We should crave every second and delight in all of our precious time building up our relationship in Christ. God's Grace is a free gift, and we should be enjoying that gift our whole lives.
Think about it. Be proactive, so as not to miss out on something great. We don't know how long this journey we call life will last, so we must make each moment count.
What is something you have given up that you really should NOT be missing out on?
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17
Great post.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sydney!
Oh, my goodness, I could never even think about taking a break from God or His Word, what a horrible thought!!
ReplyDeleteThank goodnessm He never takes a break from us.
After all He said He would never leave us or forsake us. That should be our promise to Him.
Thanks for this food for thought Sydney,