Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The 5:00 Update 2/9/11! Meet Patti's New Little Man...!

Peter's 5:00 Total is... $13,703.80!!!

Artem's 5:00 Total is... $3,668.50!!!

Yes, I've added another precious boy to the 5:00 update. The more the merrier right? Everybody, meet Artem!

Artem is the little boy who has captured Patti's heart (as Alexander has captured mine!). Here is what Reece's Rainbow has to say about him:

Artem K.
Date of Birth: June 4, 2006
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: dark brown
Temperament: good-natured
It is so painful to see these kids whose mothers drank during their pregnancy. Artem's mom was clearly not interested in giving him the best chance in life. This was her first pregnancy, he was born at 38 weeks, but she smoked and drank throughout the pregnancy. His mother kept him home until he was nearly a year old, so there is no telling what other damage she may have caused him during that time. Despite his difficult beginnings, he is described as a good natured boy, and will thrive in a loving family. He does have a minor myocardiopathy that should be followed once home, but he is active and doing much better now that he is in the orphanage.

Lots more photos available!
Isn't he adorable? I feel so bad that he is doing better in the orphanage. No, don't misunderstand, I'm not UNHAPPY that he's doing WELL!!! No, what I'm sad about is that his birth Mommy was so bad for him, that a horrible orphanage is where he is better off. Well, he is better off, but he would be WONDERFULLY off in a new Mommy's arms!

Some people might wonder why I advocate for these children. Because if I don't, who will? (I mean, besides the awesome people who already do, like Patti!) To tell you the truth, I DON'T KNOW why God led me in this direction. I don't think we are really supposed to know why God does what he does. Al that matters is that He DOES DO IT! I'm too in love to stop advocating now. Plus, why should I? My great God has led me to once of the greatest ministries of all, and I'm not leaving!

We have about 2 days left!!! I'm excited. I have a feeling that God will be presenting Peter with some miracles during the last days of the Pure Love Giveaway! Please donate!

Thanks for being so supportive of Peter, Max, Olga, Kareen, Alexander, Artem, etc. You don't even know how much I (and SOOOOO many others!) appreciate it!

Let's make this miracle happen.

God Bless,


P.S: Sometime this week, I will post one of my signature, mile long and super detailed posts about Olga's family! (or you can just read about them in Patti's post!)

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