Monday, August 15, 2011

Introducing...{Cheer Up} Monday!

Let's face it; no one loves Mondays.

Everyone doesn't necessarily hate them, but no one LOVES them (unless you work/go to school on a different schedule where Monday is your Saturday or something...). A lot of times, people are down in the dumps on Mondays. They still have the WHOLE week ahead of them, they have to wake up early, etc.

Well, I'm a definite glass half full girl, and I want to change that! I'm going to be starting a new series called {Cheer Up} Monday! Whatever I post, it will be geared towards encouraging you to start you week of on the right foot with a positive attitude!

It won't be the same thing every week, but this week, I've got a little but of inspiration to share with you all from the one and only Pinterest. {I'm in LOVE with Pinterest! It's so fun. If you aren't on it yet, leave a comment and I will send you an invite.}

Enjoy, sweet friends!

I hope your Monday is truly AMAZING!

Your Sister In Christ, Sydney

Sunday, August 14, 2011

{I Need} Time Management Skills

Hey Ladies!

I've been such a bad blogger lately... I haven't posted in over two weeks!

I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things now. School started up again for me this past Wednesday, so I'm heading into my first full week tomorrow. I think I just need some skills to better manage my time... plenty of people balance school, homework/studying, blogging/blog designing, and time with family/friends, and I know that I CAN do it too!

I spent a good 2 hours today getting organized, getting all of my supplies and different things for school ready, cleaning up a little, finding clothes to wear this week, and now all that's left is my assignments (yes, I waited until Sunday might to do them...)!

I'm aiming to post at least a few times a week! I think I might start writing some time management posts on this blog... that's a really big thing for me. Would anyone be interested in that?

Anyway, thanks for sticking around, girls! Promise I'll be doing more of the 2 things I love best very soon. 1. Writing, and 2. Encouraging and inspiring you on your journey with Him!

What have you been up to lately? What changes are coming up in your life?

Your Sister In Christ, Sydney