Sometimes, I just completely exasperate myself.
What do I want out of life? Sometimes, that all get's confused and mixed up in my crazy mind.
What's my problem, and why can't I fix it? These are all things that run through my head.
Today, my friend asked me to go to the zoo with her. I made up a lame excuse, as always, and moved on.
But that little pang of guilt? Oh, it stayed.
Why do I have to make such a big deal about everything? I'm starting to think that all these "big" problems in my life are not even problems at all. They are blessings.
It's all in how you look at it.
I have the sweetest friend ever. Mary Elizabeth and I have been friends for forever. She's amazing.
Yet, I complain when she wants to me hang out with her because I'm just not into it.
I tend to make mountains out of molehills.
I just frustrate myself with my actions and thoughts sometimes. I'd love to just stop freaking out about the littlest of things.
Sometimes, I just wish i were different. I wish I could just get together with my friend, and leave it at that. I wish I could be a more social person. i wish i could be a more perfect. person.
Today, when i got to this point, it FINALLY hit me.
I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm having a panic attack because I can't be the perfect person I think people expect of me.
But that's okay!
I may mot be perfect in my eyes, but I am perfect in someone's eyes. The eye's of my creator.
And that's all that matters.
So I'm done feeling sorry for my imperfect self. I'm going to start rejoicing in this fact.
I am perfectly made, issues and all.
I just can;'t see it, yet.
If the only think I ever accomplish in my lifetime is proving my love to Christ, then so be it. I'm perfectly happy with that!
i'm generally such an upbeat person. I am so tremendously blessed, and I have no reason to be sad or worried!
I've got someone to back me up. Forever.
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