So Excited. Guess what today is? My big sister, Alex's, 25th birthday! Only... she's not technically my big sister. She's my best friend in the entire world's big sister. Same difference to me!
When I was 5 years old, I met my best friend Sabrina.It was the first day of Kindergarten, and we instantly connected.
I started going over to her house all the time. Alex was quite a few years older than us, but she always took the time to hank out with us. I remember being 8 years old watching cooking shows with Alex the living room while Sabrina watched cartoons (I was 8 going on 18).
I've always had the best times with Alex, and she has never treated me any different than she did Sabrina. Really, we are very close.
Last year, Alex married Ryan. They are the sweetest couple ever, and coming up on their first anniversary! June 5th!
I can vividly remember our sleepovers. They were the most fun thing ever! Alex would hang out with us, and include us in whatever she was doing. She would buy us hot chocolate from Starbucks. When she in college at California State, Sabrina and I used to come down and spend the night with her. Those were some fun times.
I totally look up to Alex. She's going to law school, happily married, a great sister at all times, and I can only hope I'll be as awesome as she is when I'm 25!
Miss ya and Love ya, girl! Happy, happy birthday! May you 26th year be the best one yet. :)
P.S: Happy Earth Day and Good Friday! (Busy day, huh?)
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