Friday, April 1, 2011

He Knows

Hi Everyone! Today, we have a guest visiting: Lisa for Life and All it Offers! Be sure to stop by Lisa's awesome blog after you fiinish reading this great, thought-provoking post. Enjoy!

He Knows

It is amazing that we are able to live in a country that values all people, races and cultures. A place where we are able to freely worship God without fear of jail, death or any other sever consequences for the faith that we hold so dear to our hearts. We are able to seek out counsel, medical treatments and any other therapy that we so wish to engage ourselves in at the moment. We can play in Yoga, that has roots based in Buddhism, then walk into church and not have any thoughts as to if the Yoga moves that some say is a form of worship to Buda.

We are able to send children to schools, and know that they are safe and being educated by people who love them in a way that no others can because they have that drive to teach young children. We share our family and very young children with daycare workers and with nannies in our homes so our lives are less complicated and able to keep some sort of sanity as we move through out the day.

Then there is the other side of the coin, where there are those who long to be parents, and are not able to conceive a child for one reason or another. Children are a gift that the Lord gives to us at a time in our lives that it is right whether we think it is a right timing or not, all things happen in God's timing and according to His plans. God is the one that is there always looking over our children as they attend school, sports etc. He is there watching the children and loves to have them come to His house and learn about His goodness. God, love all the children young and old. We all are a child of God, and share in His everlasting love along with His
blessings. We are able to reach out to Him at any time without making a formal appointment.

He also thought ahead, God knew that we would need others to help us along the road of life. Thus He gave us priests, pastors, nuns, deacons, and associates that we are able to call upon in a time of need, worry, sadness, and in times of joy. Yes, we can call to God directly but sometimes we long for the words of another to help guide and comfort us, to show us the Love that the father has for us and that we are not forgotten by God or by the church that is there to help us along the path that we are traveling. God gave us Priests, and Pastors to help us reach heaven and His holy throne. He is there with us when 2 or more gather in His name and pray. He is there with us when the tears fall, when the joy comes in the morning. The question becomes will we reach out to those who know how to help in the times we are seeking or do we wonder in the desert and look at dry land.

God knows our heart, he knows that you worry about your children; He hears the prayers that you say nightly or every morning that we send them out the door for school. He send angels to protect them if we so ask. God is there with the children, they are often more open to the things of Heaven because they are able to will always listen to the little ones.

God knows our hearts and is willing to help and be there for all our needs if we are open to Him and all that he has for us.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for today's post. I am so thankful He hears me and feels my pain! Not only that, He can DO something about it. What a God!
    Your words are always encouraging.
