Happy Easter!
Well, Almost...
I usually post our usual Inspiration By Song bright and early Sunday morning, but this week is a little different. Instead of in the morning, we will be inspired tonight by our God's amazing grace. As we think about Jesus, who was crucified so that sinners like you and I could live freely, let's uncover the true meaning of Easter. {And trust me, it has absolutely nothing to do with bunnies, as cute as they may be!}
This first song, called "Why" by Nicole Norderman, is absolutely breathtaking. It really makes you realize what a huge sacrifice Christ made for us. All out of His intense love for us, even though we are sinners. I hope you'll listen and take in the meaning.
The second song is an old favorite: "Amazing Grace" by Chris Tomlin. I LOVE this song. Oh, if only we knew how amazing, magical, undeserved, and miraculous His grace really is...
Enjoy, Dear friends! I pray that you have a wonderful day tomorrow, celebrating our mighty saviors Resurrection. Rejoice!!! Scream it out to the world! He has risen (well, in the morning, that is.)
Tomorrow morning, expect a big, love filled, humble Resurrection post. Don't we all look forward to this day more than any other?
Your sister in Christ,
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