Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday 4: Life, Changes, and Leaders

Hey Friends! Remember this feature? I'm guessing that's a big fat "no", seeing as how I haven't done it for 8 weeks! My Lent series is over now, so Thoughtful Thursdays are making a comeback. :)

Possibility. You never know what is going to happen! I could wake up in the morning and have the best day of my entire life. Especially when you've had a bad day and you just want to disappear, the possibility a brand new day brings along is worth it. I never know what is in store for me!

Hmmm... my business?! I thought up the idea to open a blog design business with all the proceeds going to orphans, and I basically went with it blindly. I developed that crazy burst of inspiration into a fun business that I am very proud of.

Also... my blog. I remember way back in December when, out of lack of anything better to do, I started a blog. Absolutely NO ONE read this blog for over a month, but I didn't lose hope! I kept working at it, and somehow it just happened. People really like me! I developed this little piece if the World Wide Web to encourage, empower, and uplift ladies of all ages in Christ. So far, it;s going amazingly well!

Trustworthiness. If you are going to let someone lead you, a group, our nation, whatever it may be, you have to trust them! You have to value their abilities and have faith that they can do everything they say they can do. I'm not usually leading anything, but when I do, I know people put their trust in me and I always come through.  

I stopped judging people. Well, I'm working on stopping the judgement. I have 4 goals: To not judge, to have empathy, to not complain, and to obey. I'm trying to get better at these things everyday. It really makes a difference. Instead of making judgments, you have to look at people/things in a new way. Whenever I want to say or think something negative about something, instead I think of 2 positives. When someone does something I'm not crazy about, I try to get over my irritation and keep a smile on my face. I don't know why they did it, but I trust that they have a reason. Theses changes have helped me become a better person, and I hope other people in my life and noticing it too!



  1. Great post Sydney. I really like the Thoughtful Thursday idea. I'll have to sit down tonight and answer these questions for myself. Thanks for a great blog to follow :)

  2. Great feature.... absolutely things I want to think about. Especially concerning the changes I have made- and the ones that I want to make!
