Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Was Blind...

I'm sure we are are familiar with the song "Amazing Grace" (I just LOVE the Chris Tomlin version!) and the iconic lines:

"I once was lost, but now I'm found,
Was blind, but now I see."

I'm sure you've heard this story too: Blind people are not prejudice or judgemental of others, because they can't see them to make judgements. I've heard people say, "Oh, I'd kill to be blind (no pun intended!) because then I wouldn't be so judgmental, and I'd love people for who they were."

See, I think it's true. So many of our prejudices are just petty things such as not liking the way someone dresses. I've shared this story here a few times, but I really struggled with this when I was a pre-teen. I was caught up in all the sights, and I wasn't realizing that a person is not made up of the material they wear. Sad, I know. :)

Obviously, I'm not blind. Yet, in a way, I am. I'm a blogger.

I have never met any of my blogger friends. I've never even seen a picture of half of them! Through blogging, I am able to know people through their writing. I can see to their hearts. In blogging, you read a post written by someone you've never met, email them, and you have a good chance of becoming great friends! Now, maybe this is just me, but that doesn't happen near as much in real life.

I would never have said this before, but the "blindness" of blogging is a gift.

I think there is a reason I felt called to begin blogging in January. All other "crazy ideas" I get and actually implement would not have lasted for over 3 months. Blogging is something good for me. Through it, I've been able to see the real people behind the clothes, and come to know their hearts.

In a way, I'm both blind and seeing. I see what is good. I'm here blogging for Christ, and I see that that is a wonderful way to honor him. I have been taught that whats inside is what matters. So now, I see people. I don't see perfect, impossible "idols". Being "blind" has taught me that people are people. We are all imperfect, yet perfect in His eyes, choosing to love Him and see what He would like us to see.

Be Blessed,


  1. this is amazing! i'm so blessed to have become friends with you :)

  2. What a great perspective on blogging! I love what you wrote. Maybe I need to pray for some "blindness." While working in ministry, it can be difficult to not judge the intentions of others.

  3. Sydney, What a great post! I was thinking this just the other day, especially about the age barrier that is just NOT a factor with online friends. So glad it's helped you to be "blind". :)

  4. An amazing post! In a way we are all 'pen pals' accepting each other as we are! Blessings xx
