Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Godly character Quality #32: Reverence!

Goldy Character Quality #32...Reverence vs. Disrespect:  Awareness of how God is working through the people and events in my life to produce the character of Christ in me.  -Proverbs 23: 17-18

Before today, I didn't even know what reverence meant. I was totally oblivious.

However, when I tool a look at my list of character qualities today and my eye caught the definition of this one, I knew I had to do it today.

My friend, Breanna, moved into my neighborhood when I was in eighth grade I had no idea, and it was a great surprise!

I'd always liked Breanna. I had no reason not to like her! She was fun to be around, talk to and hang out with. Case closed.

Except... not exactly. See, most people did not like Breanna. They thought she was a weirdo, and they made fun of her. Everyone would antagonize her and call her names behind her back.

I used to sit with my friend Lindsay on the bus. She was funny, kind, sweet, just a great person overall. And no one would have ever said Lindsay was a weirdo. They wouldn't have said that about me either.

Well, when Breanna started riding our bus, it got me thinking. I bet Lindsay won't like her. I could just imagine how it would go: Breanna would be sitting by me, Lindsay would get on the bus, I'd shoot her a pleading "HELP ME!" look, and sh'd have to sit in front of us while I "suffered." Or: I'd be sitting by Lindsay and she would say, "That girl is sooooo weird!" and I would wholeheartedly agree.

Does anyone else see a major problem with this?

I was not suffering when I sat with Breanna. I liked Breanna. I didn't think she was weird, either. I was willing to go behind my friends back to "look good".

Lemme Tell Ya. Boy, was I wrong.

First of all, Lindsay isn't like that. She doesn't just shun people because of their hair color or attitude.

But I was willing to do it.

The thing is,, we all wear many different hats in life. Mother, Daughter, Sister Friend, Aunt, Cousin, Co-Worker, Wife, Etc. But that's just the hat.

I had to learn to be myself, 100% of the time. Not Lindsay's friend sometimes, and Breanna's friend when Lindsay wasn't around. More like a daughter of the King, every single day.

I had to learn to choose. I saw the opportunity to work for Christ and change everyones attitudes about Breanna.

I understood how I was being taught a lesson here.

I knew that if I wanted to be a better, more godly teenager, then I had to stick it out.

Sometimes, our decision to follow Christ won't make life the easiest. Many times, we will find that it would be a piece of cake to give up, and do what is pleasing to us. We have to be aware that everything we do reflect back on us, and on Christ as well. We have to choose to stand up for ourselves and our friends, and to not disrespect them.

Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you. - 1 Samuel 12:24

God is working through you and I right this very second. Don't fight Him. Let God's word work through you, and spread it on! Choose Christ, and choose to live a Christ filled life!


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