Thursday, April 7, 2011

Remarkable Faith: Bible Study

Today, like every Thursday, I'm participating in Mary from Giving Up On Perfect's Remarkable Faith Series! This week, we are sharing about the Bible study that as had the biggest impact on our lives.

I gave my life to God when I was 13. I was so lucky that it happened at that time, because right around that age is when boy girl relationships start forming.

I never wanted that. I had this growing desire in my heart for purity. I didn't want to date, make-out, or any of those other things... I wanted more.
With that said, I hopped onto Amazon and ordered a copy of Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally.

I had heard about the book before, but I wasn't sure what to expect. All I knew was, that I need something to guide me through the tough years ahead.

I read that book slowly. I savored every moment. It taught me so much about purity. I still read it and still use it as a resource. I have seen tremendous growth in my relationship with God since I was 13, and most if it can be credited to Sarah Mally.

Back then, I was so worried about staying pure. I had this irrational fear that a guy would come up and kiss me before I could stop him and I would be impure forever.

In the book, Sarah writes about her own experience with this boy who had a crush on her. He was chasing her around the playground, and finally got a hold of her to kiss her cheek. She says, "It wasn't pleasant, but at least it got him off my back. He never bothered me again."

Then I read her comparison of the 2 types of purity..The never been touched, bright white purity, and the once dirty but now clean,  washed purity. She explained that no matter what, we are all the washed kind. We have sinned, but we have been forgiven by His mighty grace!

This book gave me the courage not to fear boys. That's not what purity is about. Purity is about striving to do what is good, and what is godly, in His timing. It is vowing to live happily at the place in life you are currently at, and to wait until God decides it's time to  present you with your "Prince Charming".



  1. I love this. Our ministry targets middle school, high school and college-aged students. This is a running theme we promote. Thank you for letting me know purity is important to others, too.

  2. Stopping by from the UBP!
    Thanks for this post! I'd heard of that book, but haven't read it yet. Might be awhile since my Prince Charming is already here, but I want to be helping my daughters wait as they grow up! :-)

    Johanna at Mama Chocolate
    Family life, tips for mom, reviews, giveaways and more!

  3. Sidney, this sounds like a great book. I wish I'd been able to read it when I was in high school! (You know, before I met my prince! Ha!) Thank you for linking up this week!

  4. Not by chance that tonight I was looking for books to start reading for a speaking engagement I have AND to prepare myself to dig deeper into the topic for my girls! Thanks for sharing!
