Thursday, April 14, 2011

Remarkable Faith: Prayer!

Yippee! This week I'm participating in Mary's Remarkable Faith series at Giving Up On Perfect. (This is the second to last week! Oh, no!) This week is on one of the best topics ever: prayer!

I love to pray. Seriously. I tell people I'm praying for them all the time, and I really do. I'm like a little prayer queen or something.

It makes me feel connected to God. And I know that He answers EVERY prayer we pray, whether that be with a yes or no. I'm still working on this one though: “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words." I hope He wasn't serious about that! No, my prayers are really long, but they aren't just empty words. I mean something.

Anyway, if I had to pick something/someone that I pray for the deepest, that's a piece of cake: Reece's Rainbow. For those of you who aren't regular readers here, Reece's Rainbow is the International Down Syndrome Orphan Ministry. I'm totally in love with all the children listed through Reece's Rainbow, just waiting to find their forever families.

I pray night and day, so hard for these little cuties. Let me tell ya, when you log on to check their page and you see the words, "My Family Found Me" written under their description, it's seriously as if you yourself are adopting them. It's the best feeling in the whole world!

If you want to see just a little bit of how crazy I get about these things, please please read these posts (in order!): 




Here's an excerpt in case you don't feel like it: 

Miracles Happen!

I'm so excited and thankful I can't even think. Max has a family!!!!!!!!!!
He was on my mind for a while, but I only just posted about him last Saturday! I it wasn't me that helped him though... I mean, no one even reads this blog! However, I was praying so hard for him. Anything is possible with the power of prayer.
I don't know any details, but I will try to find them out soon. All I know is that I logged onto Reece's Rainbow, looked up Max, and low and behold I saw that his family has found him. 
i am over the moon. I can't believe that this happened so quickly! I knew he would touch some wonderful parents hearts the way he touched mine... I had faith. 
I'm in awe at what the power God has. It really is miraculous.  
Of course, Max is still pretty far from home and his family will need all the financial help they can get. I'm praying that he will get some big donations. 
I had no idea what I would have to do to get Max a family, but I was willing. I had no resources, no real way to do anything. No power. But God had the power. 
I'll be advocating for Max until the day he gets home. There is no doubt about that. God is so good. Just when he knows you need it, He gives you a sign. 
"Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming." - Matthew 24:42
Apparently, I do know now. That day, was today.
Thank you, God!!!

So yes, I'm very passionate about the cause (to say the least). Well, in celebration of their 5 year Anniversary, Reece's Rainbow has a new 5/5/5 Warrior Project. They picked out every single 5 year old orphan in the system, with Down Syndrome or other Special Needs and make them eligible to have a 5/5/5 Warrior. 5/5/5 Warriors are supposed to help find their child a family, and also try to raise $5,000 by the end of the year.

I was shocked by the site of how many orphans has $0 in their grant funds. I found Nasira, and she tugged at my heart. What a sweetie! Nasira has CP (Cerebral Palsy) and she is 5 this June. 

I'm her warrior now. I will pray my heart out for her, and ask for God to grace this little girl with His presence! I'm honored to be praying for such an adorable girl, and I know God will hear what I have to say.He'll get her through this, but it's all up to Him.

So there you have it. I simply LOVE to pray, and especially for those that are in need (in my case, they are usually in need of Mommy's and Daddy's, but you know, I'll pray for anyone who needs it. Don't we all?)

"Pray without ceasing," - 1 Thessalonians 5:17



  1. I come away blessed every time I read a post of yours. You inspire me, Sydney! I am so thankful to have connected to you.
    He hears you. As a result, many children will be rescued because of the diligent prayers you send on their behalf!
    God bless you!

  2. What a great organization! Those kids are blessed to have a prayer warrior like you on their side!

    I've talked about that verse you mentioned with a friend. It's hard to pray without ceasing without saying the same things over and over - but then does that make us like a Pharisee? I think it's a matter of our hearts, not the length of our prayers, that God was talking about there...

    Thank you for linking up, Sydney!

  3. I literally just read about this organization for the first time about half an hour ago on someone else's blog. It was mentioned in passing so I was intrigued to read more about it here. I hope and pray Nasira will find her family soon!
