Throughout our lifetimes, we will encounter tons of different tempting situations. It's not always easy to hole back our opinions.
However, we have to learn to abide by J.O.Y. Jesus first, others sencond, yourself LAST! This means that when we act, we should always think first, "Will this action do honor to God?" then "Will this action offend anyone else?" and finally "Is this really any action I should be doing, after all?"
It's not easy to limit ourselves. It reminds me of the typical bully. A bully puts others down because it makes them feel better about themselves. What they will eventually learn is that we are here on Earth to serve, not to BE served. We have to respect others, understnad our purpose, and treat others the way we would like to be treated.
Don't be weak by giving in. It's hard, but you have to stay strong and fight the urge to take the easy way out by being rude!
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