Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Godly Character Quality #38: Dependability!

Godly Character Quality #38: Dependability vs. Inconsistency: Fulfilling what I consented to do even if it means unexpected sacrifice. - Psalms 15:4


I'd like to think I'm a pretty dependable person. I always do what I say I'll do. Really! It's time limits that get me.

Somehow, I am always extremely busy. I always have a ton of stuff to do! Even though usually it's all enjoyable stuff, I still struggle with time.

So, I guess I'm dependable to a certain extent.

I'm choosy. for example if someone asked me to do something a few days ago and I'm just about to do it when something else that I'd much rather do comes up? Well, you guessed it, that person from a few days ago ends up waiting a few more days. Endless cycle.

I really feel awful when it takes me 2 weeks to get back to someone with something really simple. Something I offered to do for them! I don't like to make excuses, and I end up in that position a lot.

Here's to a change: I'm going to become a dependable person!

In all senses of the word.

Who knows what this may entail... scheduling, cutting out distractions, maybe some kind of personal reward... I'm not sure!

I want my friends to think of me as a reliable person. "Oh, that's Sydney, Miss Dependable!" not, "Oh, Sydney, that girl who is all over the place and doesn't understand the meaning of time limits?"

It's a work in progress, let's just say that. :)


What about you? Do you consider yourself a dependable person- in all senses of the word? What does dependability mean to you?


  1. After reading this, I guess I'm not very dependable! I'm always putting things off, but I get to them eventually... I'll have to work on that!

  2. I want to be dependable according to these standards. This is something I will for sure be working on..... I think being dependable directly impacts your integrity- something I want to cultivate!

  3. I think this is something we all strive for to an extent..... As Alexis says, being dependable directly impacts your integrity - something I also want to cultivate....

  4. It can be so hard to do, but the point is to keep working toward it with that goal in mind. Thanks for the post!

  5. I think I'm pretty dependable. Though I'm also careful what I commit to :-) I have so many commitments in my daily life, I have to be careful about overload!

  6. I guess I am, but for certain things it may take some time... I'm so incredibly busy and only have so much time... but I hope that will change soon.

  7. My husband is just like this! His intentions are always good & he always wants to do everything he promises but he doesn't manage his time properly so that lives him looking bad :-(
