Thursday, July 28, 2011

Serve One Another In Love!!!

Hi Ladies!

Anyone remember back in March, when I met Mrs. Heather and we teamed up to start a ministry blog, Serve One Another In Love, together?

It was awesome!

But then.... life got in the way.Things happened, and we "closed down" the blog for about 3 months.

This week? A miracle happened!

Heather and I finally got back together and started working on bringing back the site! I set up all the technical stuff, and worked really hard on the design (I think it's really pretty, if I do say so myself!) and Heather got busy writing content (I wrote content too)!

Serve One Another In Love

Today, Serve One Another In Love officially re-launches!!! I just cannot tell you how excited I am for this! I've been waiting ever since we "shut-down" the blog to start it back up again, and the day is finally here!

Please stop by!!! Today we have our Family In Faith blog hop, where we would love to have you come link-up so we can interact with you, and starting Monday, we are kicking off a 40 Days of Prayer series to challenge everyone's prayer lives!

I seriously just want to scream and jump for joy over this!  I didn't know if we would ever revive our ministry blog again, but Heather and I both missed it so much!

Blogging rocks, girls, it really does!

I'm so thankful to have my friend Heather back and our fun blog back! In case you needed a reminder, our blog title comes from the verse Galatians 5:13:

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Visit us here!


Your Sister In Christ, Sydney

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