Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Crazy Things....

I'm sure you all know (and idolize!) Beth Moore.


I've been trying to get a copy of her book, So Long, Insecurity from the library forever, and it's still yet to happen!

Today, I discovered some of Beth Moore's videos....

Specifically this one. Maybe you've watched it before, but maybe not in a little while. Watch. Listen. Take it in.


Isn't that amazing?

What a testimony Beth now has. She obeyed that seemingly crazy command from God. She stopped caring what other people would think about her brushing that man's hair. She had faith that brushing his hair was what God wanted her to do.

And it was.

Now let me tell you... no matter how much I want to be this amazing Christian, I'm not. I'm far from perfect, and I'm far from obedient. I most definitely would never have even gone near that man. I would have brushed off any feelings that I should brush his hair.

I'm just being honest here. And I'm sure you feel the same way as I do. Because honestly...
I'm selective. I'll listen to God, hear what He wants me to do, and then decide whether or not to do it {not}.

But that's not how it should work.

Experiences like Beth's in that video are precious. They are proof God is there. They are tests.

Without God, no one would have been compelled to reach out to that man. No one would have been touched by Beth's unbelievably kind actions, and therefore God's love, either.

God tests our faith through experiences such as that. He forces us to get out of our comfort zones and see the world in a new way. He forces us to do something we would have never considered.... and if we trust in Him enough to do it, we will be rewarded.

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ {Matthew 25:21}

He's going to keep us safe. He's not going to purposely hurt us in any way with one of His "tests". At the end of the day, it might not even matter to us that we didn't do something "crazy" God asked us to do.

But we will have missed out on a wonderful opportunity to show Christ's love to others. And even more importantly, to trust in Him and follow the plan He has for us!

So next time God urges you to do something, take a chance! Go for it. You won't regret it, and you'll learn something special about others, about God, and about yourself.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." {James 1:2}

Sometimes, looking "crazy" or "weird" is a good thing. No matter how radical the calling, if it is part of His divine plan for my life, I would be honored and yes, even proud, to be considered weird. What about you?

Your Sister In Christ, Sydney


  1. Syndey that exact same video last Thursday started me on the final stretch to this:
    Beth Moore is awesome!
