Saturday, July 9, 2011

6 Months Later...

Guess what?

Today is my 6 month blogiversary!

Can you believe that? I certainly can't!

How on Earth has it been half a year since I wrote my first blog post on January 9th?

I've met so many wonderful ladies through blogging that I am so happy to call friends!

Blogging has been an amazing, completely positive experience. I've learned so much through all of your beautiful blogs, and that's been awesome!

In those 6 months, I've written over 150 posts. Wow! I'm just truly awe-struck at the fact that I have sat here and blogged my heart out to you girls over one hundred and fifty times. It's been life changing!

I so hope that no matter how long you've been reading, you've been able to gain something, anything from my blog. It's my goal to encourage all of your hearts in your walks with Him!

Just know that I love and appreciate all of my sweet readers and friends (This means YOU) so much! 122 followers as of today. What a blessing!

I most definitely would not be here today, blogging, if it weren't for my truly amazing "new" friends who have encouraged, inspired, and uplifted me every step of the way!

As amazed and happy as I am about the past, I'm even more excited for the future here at Faithful Always! In honor of my 6 month anniversary, I'm moving!

From Blogger to WordPress.

WordPress is awesome! I already have two site on WordPress, plus I've transferred and designed many other blogs successfully using this platform. The only downside to being your own designer/professional to do the migration is that you kind of just do it whenever you can. So it might take me a lot longer to get my own site up, but hopefully in the next week or two I'll be rocking WordPress.

In the meantime, things will stay the same on this blog. I'll keep posting and hopefully encouraging all of you sweet ladies, and then one day you'll stop by for a visit and we will officially be rocking WordPress!

Thanks so much for your readership, friends! I'm so unbelievably blessed by all of you, and so thankful that He led me to blogging this past January!

So, I'm interested to know: Why are you a reader at Faithful Always? What one thing do you love most about my blog?

Blessings, Girlfriends!

Your Sister In Christ, Sydney


  1. We share the same blogversary! I wish I were savvy about blog building the way you are. I would like to switch to wordpress, but just don't seem to have the skills at the moment. I'm working toward it though (I think :-) The thing I love most about your blog is its focus on helping others. I have a daughter with down syndrome and have mentioned "Reece's Rainbow" in several of my posts and comments. It's great that your sidebar contains so much information geared toward helping others.
    Blog on! :-)

  2. I love that at such a young age (I'm guessing early 20's) you are mature beyond years. This shows up in your devotion for helping Reece's Rainbow children and also serving others through your words of Christ! Thanks for the guidance Sydney, and my beautiful blog :)
