Friday, July 15, 2011

Well... I'm doing great with B90Days!

Last week, I decided to join in on the 3in30 challenge! Here's how I'm doing with my goals:

1. To be successful at keeping up with the Bible in 90 Days Challenge.
I have to say, I am LOVING the Bible in 90 Days Challenge! I am doing great with this goal, and I'm even a day ahead of where I need to be. :)  Today, we are supposed to be reading Exodus 1-15:18, and I did that yesterday. Today, I want to finish Exodus if I can! That's two days worth of reading, but I just love this challenge so much because of all that I'm learning and absorbing. I pray that I'll be able to keep on track and stay this motivated throughout the entire challenge! 

2. To start the Couch to 5K program and keep up with doing it 3 times a week.
Well.... This one was a bust. Waking up early is something I LOVE to do, but i also love staying up latte, so it doesn't come easy to me. Girls, I purposely went to bed early Monday night so I could wake up early Tuesday morning and start the program. It was 6:30am, I was dressed in my workout gear and ready to go, so I called my mom to make sure she didn't want to do it with me. She told me I couldn't (okay, well I'm an adult so technically I still could have, but...) go outside and run because the heat index was 112 degrees. At 6:30 in the morning. So, I haven't gotten to get started on this yet, but I really do want to do it, so I'll get started this week no matter how hot it is!

3. Finish all my school work before July 23rd.
Oh gosh.... That's 8 days away. I'm really, really, really going to have to push myself to get this done, but I want to get it done so bad (anyone want to do it for me? Just kidding!). It's just so easy to put of the thing you dread most, but I've kind of got a lot to do, and I definitely don't want to be rushing a stressing out later on. Lord, help me get this stuff done! I have made very minimal progress: i bought both books I need, one from Amazon (it arrived yesterday!) and one for my e-reader. Tomorrow I'm going to the library to get a European map. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the memorization of European countries for my Human Geography class a whole lot more than I'm looking forward to the notes, reading and projects. I'm thinking of extending my "deadline". I had it set as the 23rd so I could go to Florida, which I'm still deciding if I'm going to do or not, without having to worry about school. It was a good plan, but if I do decide to go after all, wouldn't the 14 hour car ride and all those lazy days at the beach be optimal time to TACKLE THIS SCHOOLWORK once and for all? Thoughts?

So... it is what it is. I'm thriving with one of my goals, eager to get going with another, and quite honestly, dreading and procrastinating on the last one. :)

At least the Bible in 90 Days is going great!

Your Sister In Christ, Sydney

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