Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wonderful Christians #1: Joyce Meyer

To start off this blog, I wanted to introduce some of my very favorite Christian people. The first is Mrs. Joyce Meyer. I had heard of her before, but it wasn't until just a few months ago that I really gained an interest in her. "She's just some boring and crazy religious woman!" I used to think. However, let me be the first to say that I was wrong. Joyce Meyer is amazing!

The first thing you should know about Joyce Meyer is that her teachings are far from conventional. She is nothing like the minister at your own church. She is a very outgoing person and her teachings are very intriguing. Something else you should know about her is that she is a loud woman! She speaks loud to begin with and she yells to get important points across. Don't let that discourage you though: I feel like the fact that she gets so worked up about everything shows that she is passionate about what shes teaching. She's a funny minister too. When you listen to her you will find yourself doing a lot of laughing. She often practices the robot routine, where she mimics or chants something important she wants to get across to her followers.

Joyce Meyer grew up in an abusive home. She never went to church as a child and she was perpetually unhappy. However, she turned to God when she was still quite young, at age 9, and became very passionate about getting the word of God across to people. One morning, 33 year old Joyce Meyer was driving to work in her car when she heard God call her name. This experience gave Joyce an even deeper faith in God.

In 1985, Joyce Meyer officially started her ministry, then called "Life in the Word". Since then she has expanded her ministry into a worldwide effort to get the word of God across to hurting people. She is a servant to God and only God. She follows the Bibles teachings and lives her life in God!

What I think is most amazing about Joyce is that she can forgive. Her father abused her all throughout her childhood. She hated him for that and resented him for her problems. However, once she found God she forgave her father for sinning against her. SHE FORGAVE HIM! Think about how hard it would be to forgive someone who has so deeply hurt you like that! She forgave him and loved him until he died. She even took him in to live with her when his health was poor!

Joyce Meyer has written many books about Christianity, she has her own television show and her own podcast. Her podcasts are available on Itunes and Zune or you can go on her website at http://www.joycemeyer.org/ and listen to a daily 28 minute podcast. She is a very encouraging Christian woman with a great story that you need to hear! I promise you will thoroughly enjoy every minute you spend listening to her podcast, watching her show, or reading Joyce Meyer's books!

God Bless,


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