Okay, so I was just reading my book, Third Time's A Charm by Virginia Smith (as mentioned here), when I came across something I just had to share.
Tori was at her regular Sunday school class, bright and early on Sunday morning. However, she quickly found out that the teacher was not available, so a student would be filling in. The student was not who she expected: it was Gordy, a shy and eccentric young man with a very interesting message to share.
This is the verse they were studying for the day. Gordy explained that he didn't think Jesus really wanted him to get down on his knees and scrub peopled feet. It's a symbol for serving others.
Taken from Third Time's A Charm: "When I first read that piece in the Bible, I couldn't stop thinking about Jesus saying He set us an example. I mean, that's large, you know? That's like, Whoa, Dude. How am I supposed to do all the stuff You did, you know? So I got to thinking, what Jesus was telling us to do is like playing Guitar Hero. Now, I know it's weird, but stay with me on this. When I'm on lead guitar and I play a song for the first time, I pretty much stink. Since we're in church, let's say I'm playing 'Living on a Prayer' by Bon Jovi. I know the song, but I've never played it, you know? So at first I bomb big time. I get booed off the stage. But I'm just learning. I'm trying to act out what I'm seeing and hearing. And the more practice, the better I get.
I think that's what Jesus is saying here. We're the ones with the arms and legs and hands and feet. We're the ones holding the guitar. But He's the one who wrote the song. Unless we're watching for Him to tell us what chords to play, we can stand up there and strum all we want, but we're gonna crash and burn. And the Bible is like our video screen. It's got all the notes of His song already laid out. We've just got to read them, and then act them out."
FYI, I don't even like Guitar Hero! I have played it, but I'm really just not a rock music person. However, when I read this passage in the book, I was just wowed. I mean, this is actually a great way to relate to the message John 13:12-17 is trying to get across. That is often the problem: you can read the Bible all you want, and that's great, but it all comes down to applying what you've learned. Sometimes it can be challenging to determine the meaning of a certain passage in the Bible, but when you can make a connection to something you are familiar with (Guitar Hero, for instance!) the meaning will really sink in.
We are here on Earth to serve Jesus. He has given us a mission (or a song) to complete. We are God's messengers. No matter how often we say that we don't need God to help us, we do. We ALWAYS need Him. He longs to be needed. God wants to make us happy, and the best way to righteously to become happy is to serve others. You are happy when you are making others happy. It's so true. That is the only way to be truly fulfilled in life. Always serve others before treating yourself.
Live by J.O.Y: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. That is the road to becoming righteous fulfilled. Love your Father up in heaven, Love your neighbors, Love yourself.
You have the key to His Word right at your fingertips: your Bible. Read it, live by it, love it! Everything we need is in there. Seek God's guidance constantly, and find it in your Bible.
Pray that an opportunity to serve others will come your way soon. Never pass up the opportunity to be a blessing.
God Bless,
P.S: If you have made any connections similar to this John 13:12-17 and Guitar Hero one, please comment to let me know! I find these connections so interesting and though provoking!
Okay, so I was just reading my book, Third Time's A Charm by Virginia Smith (as mentioned here), when I came across something I just had to share.
Tori was at her regular Sunday school class, bright and early on Sunday morning. However, she quickly found out that the teacher was not available, so a student would be filling in. The student was not who she expected: it was Gordy, a shy and eccentric young man with a very interesting message to share.
When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned
to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. "You
call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord', and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I,
your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger
greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be
blessed if you do them. - John 13:12-17
This is the verse they were studying for the day. Gordy explained that he didn't think Jesus really wanted him to get down on his knees and scrub peopled feet. It's a symbol for serving others.
Taken from Third Time's A Charm: "When I first read that piece in the Bible, I couldn't stop thinking about Jesus saying He set us an example. I mean, that's large, you know? That's like, Whoa, Dude. How am I supposed to do all the stuff You did, you know? So I got to thinking, what Jesus was telling us to do is like playing Guitar Hero. Now, I know it's weird, but stay with me on this. When I'm on lead guitar and I play a song for the first time, I pretty much stink. Since we're in church, let's say I'm playing 'Living on a Prayer' by Bon Jovi. I know the song, but I've never played it, you know? So at first I bomb big time. I get booed off the stage. But I'm just learning. I'm trying to act out what I'm seeing and hearing. And the more practice, the better I get.
I think that's what Jesus is saying here. We're the ones with the arms and legs and hands and feet. We're the ones holding the guitar. But He's the one who wrote the song. Unless we're watching for Him to tell us what chords to play, we can stand up there and strum all we want, but we're gonna crash and burn. And the Bible is like our video screen. It's got all the notes of His song already laid out. We've just got to read them, and then act them out."
FYI, I don't even like Guitar Hero! I have played it, but I'm really just not a rock music person. However, when I read this passage in the book, I was just wowed. I mean, this is actually a great way to relate to the message John 13:12-17 is trying to get across. That is often the problem: you can read the Bible all you want, and that's great, but it all comes down to applying what you've learned. Sometimes it can be challenging to determine the meaning of a certain passage in the Bible, but when you can make a connection to something you are familiar with (Guitar Hero, for instance!) the meaning will really sink in.
We are here on Earth to serve Jesus. He has given us a mission (or a song) to complete. We are God's messengers. No matter how often we say that we don't need God to help us, we do. We ALWAYS need Him. He longs to be needed. God wants to make us happy, and the best way to righteously to become happy is to serve others. You are happy when you are making others happy. It's so true. That is the only way to be truly fulfilled in life. Always serve others before treating yourself.
Live by J.O.Y: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. That is the road to becoming righteous fulfilled. Love your Father up in heaven, Love your neighbors, Love yourself.
You have the key to His Word right at your fingertips: your Bible. Read it, live by it, love it! Everything we need is in there. Seek God's guidance constantly, and find it in your Bible.
Pray that an opportunity to serve others will come your way soon. Never pass up the opportunity to be a blessing.
God Bless,
P.S: If you have made any connections similar to this John 13:12-17 and Guitar Hero one, please comment to let me know! I find these connections so interesting and though provoking!
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