Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bible Trivia #1!

I was thinking it would be fun to have Bible trivia! The rules are simple:

  • Answer each question in the comment section.
  • DON'T get out your Bibles! This is a quiz to see what you know... no worries, quiz #1 is easy!
  • The first person to answer them all correctly wins!!! (Well, wins the pride of being able to say they know their bible trivia. No giveaways today, sorry!)
  • Some of these questions are PAINFULLY easy! (Lucky for you, I got all these questions off another website... I will share later!)

Ready? Okay, Round #1 of bible trivia will be about the New Testament only:

  1. Where was Jesus born?
  2. What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
  3. Who gave Jesus gifts when he was born?
  4. What is the name of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples?
  5. What is the name of Jesus' mother?
  6. What job did Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, do?
  7. What is the collective name of the stories Jesus told?
  8. What did Simon Peter do for a living?
  9. What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it?
  10. How did Paul escape from Damascus?

The only two I found even a bit challenging are #9 and #10. I know you guys can get these questions right! Comment, comment, comment!

God Bless,


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