I was thinking it would be fun to have Bible trivia! The rules are simple:
- Answer each question in the comment section.
- DON'T get out your Bibles! This is a quiz to see what you know... no worries, quiz #1 is easy!
- The first person to answer them all correctly wins!!! (Well, wins the pride of being able to say they know their bible trivia. No giveaways today, sorry!)
- Some of these questions are PAINFULLY easy! (Lucky for you, I got all these questions off another website... I will share later!)
Ready? Okay, Round #1 of bible trivia will be about the New Testament only:
- Where was Jesus born?
- What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
- Who gave Jesus gifts when he was born?
- What is the name of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples?
- What is the name of Jesus' mother?
- What job did Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, do?
- What is the collective name of the stories Jesus told?
- What did Simon Peter do for a living?
- What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it?
- How did Paul escape from Damascus?
The only two I found even a bit challenging are #9 and #10. I know you guys can get these questions right! Comment, comment, comment!
God Bless,
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