Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sufficient Grace Ministries

Kelly Gerken

I was just blog surfing a few days ago when I came across Sufficient Grace Ministries. I was so interested in the movement, and now that I know more about it, I am so thankful for it. I obviously do not have children, but I do know some lovely people who have lost children. I think that Sufficient Grace Ministries is a wonderful comfort to all those hurting Mama's out there. I can't even imagine the pain and heartbreak a tragedy like that would cause. I only know that it is a time to stick close to God and follow his example rather than pulling away.

Kelly gave birth to her son Timothy in 1994. Two year later, she got pregnant with twins, only to discover complications. Her daughters had twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Kelly was in the hospital for a while, until one day, November 3rd 1996, an ultrasound showed that her babies were at peace. Kelly lost her two twin daughters (Faith and Grace) at 26 weeks gestation.
Another two years later, Kelly got pregnant with a son. Half way through her pregnancy, Kelly found out that her baby boy had Potter's syndrome. He had almost no chance of survival, but there was still that glimmer of hope in Kelly and her husband, Tim's hearts. She carried him until July 14, 1998, when she delivered. Thomas lived for 6 miraculous hours, then he moved on to a better place.
This was a horribly challenging and devastating time in Kelly Gerken's life. She did not know of any possible way to cope with all the grief. Kelly was made stronger by God's grace. She did not succumb to the heartbreak she felt then, and still feels everyday. Far from it. She created the wonderful Sufficient Grace Ministries for Women in 2004. She started off with baby books in memory of babies once alive and always loved. They are called Dreams of You Memory Books. Comfort Bears are an idea Kelly's mom came up with, so that grieving Mama's will always have something to hold.
In 2001 God did grace Kelly with an amazing and healthy son named James. On Earth, Kelly has her children Timothy and James, while in heaven Faith, Grace, and Thomas are all waiting and watching over her.
The purpose of Sufficient Grace Ministries is to comfort and encourage Mama's who have lost babies through miscarriage, stillbirth, or death. Kelly shares her testimony with other Mom's and families as a way of encouragement. No one is alone in the great journey of loss. Our Heavenly Father is always there, even when he seems forever away.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God. - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Weakness is made perfect in God's strength. No matter how overwhelmed we feel, how strongly we feel that it's all just too much, we CAN handle it. God does not put anything on our plate that we cannot handle. Even in crisis, just put your faith in Him and all will be well. When we pray, God does answer our prayers. It may not be in the way we expected, hoped, or dreamed, and we may not understand at first, but in time, we will.
Kelly's middle three children were taken back to live with their creator, but with that loss, Kelly was able to create something so beautiful. Her ministries have reached so many Mama's out there and given them that hope, that faith, that reassurance that God does love them. He is never going to leave them, and believe it or not, they will be alright. They will surpass their hardships and grow strong in His abundant grace.
Cling to God's every word, follow him, stay Faithful to Him Always. He can mend your aching hearts. He can do anything. The possibilities are endless, as long as you pray and give it all up to Him.
Be sure to check out Kelly's breathtaking website and blog. You will be stunned by her beautiful, heartfelt words. Everyday, Kelly and so many other Mama's remember their perfect babies resting up above. They want to breakdown, but instead they draw closer to Him and embrace the life He is given them.
Please pray for all the grieving families out there. As I always say, anything is possible with the power of prayer. God's will conquers everything.
In memory of Faith, Grace, and Thomas Gerken.
God Bless,

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