Monday, January 17, 2011

Godly Character Quality #2: Alertness!

The second character quality of a good Christian is: Alertness! The Operational Definition (Provided by Wonderful Christians #3!) of alertness vs. unawareness is: Being aware of that which is taking place around me so that I can have the right responses. -Mark 14:38

I love that operational definition! It sums alertness up so well for me. We need to open our eyes wide and notice what goes on in our lives so that we can make a difference! I'm in school, so I ride the bus every morning with my sister and our friend, Julie. I've been alert and I've noticed that people are always tormenting Julie. People can be so ruthless! My sister was best friends with Julie, but even she has even started to pick on Julie! It's horrible! I'm aware of how it makes Julie feel, and lets just say it doesn't make her feel joyful! She is treated like a leper in her own community of friends and I can't stand it! I've sort of taken Julie under my wing and she really appreciates it. I gave my younger sister a long lecture on having empathy for people and treating them with respect. There is just no reason to be so mean to such a nice girl! I sit with Julie everyday on the bus and I know she is grateful for the companionship.

I'm shocked by the way some people can be so oblivious to the hurt they are causing other people. My sister, for instance, did not realize to what extent her comments and attitude towards Julie were affecting Julie! I just pray that people will take the time to look and notice what is going on around them so they can do the right thing to fix it. God gave us eyes and ears, so why don't we use them for the good of our family and our community! Listen to the voices around you, watch the actions of people around you, and be prepared to handle it right!

Most importantly, we should listen to God, hear what he wants us to do, and do it! We need to be in touch with God and understand how he wants us to act. When we pray, we ask God to hear our prayers and help us. However, too often our minds are clouded over and we don't listen to God's response! Be alert, be prepared, and do the right thing! Act as Jesus would.

God Bless,


Think about it: What does alertness mean to YOU?

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