Remember last week, when I posted about my grandmothers generosity to my family? Just to refresh your memory, she bough us a new laptop (among many other items). We felt so truly blessed that she would do something like that for us. I know that God was using my grandma as a messenger. We prayed about getting our computer fixed or getting a new computer and He answered our prayers through her! What a blessing. Once the new laptop got here, we officially has two laptops (I bought my own a few months ago). As I mentioned in my other post, our desktop computer had succumbed to a virus. Or so we thought.
A few days ago, my uncle (He had been trying to fix our computer for a while, but he had basically said it was a lost cause.) called to tell my dad he got the computer working.
"What? No way! An answer to our prayers." He brought the computer over and what do you know? It was working like we just ran off to the store and bought it.
"Okay," your probably thinking," great. You already have 2 computers, why is this such a big deal?" I'll tell you what the big deal is. It's not really about the computer. That's just whats on the surface. Really, I just wanted to share with everyone the power of prayer. You ask, and God answers, in some way, shape, or form.
For a while, back in November, we had no computer at all in our household. Currently, we have 3. That means that 60% of my five person family can be on the computer all at once.
God provides. There are plenty of testimonies out their to prove my point. Stick to God's principles, and you will always be rewarded. God doesn't want us to go without. That is evident in my family's story, because we went from having none at all to being triply blessed.
Sometimes, when faith is low, you need some kind of sign to show that God is there, He does love you, and He will provide for you. Don't let that message escape you.
Not that I've been having any doubts (far, far from it!) but, for my family and even other people out there, this is a reassurance of God's existence. How else would a totally infected and messed up computer just suddenly start working again?

God has given me his Blessed Assurance. He does answer prayers and he does care deeply for each and everyone of His children. He loves us all so much, and we must love Him back.
This little episode demonstrating the Power of Prayer really reminds me of the story of Lazarus. Lazarus' sisters, Mary and Martha, informed Jesus that Lazarus was very sick. Jesus waited two days to go the Bethany, and by the time he reached his destination, Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. Martha told Jesus, " Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." Jesus replied with, "Your brother will rise again."
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who
believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in
me will never die. Do you believe this?"
"Yes, Lord," she told him, "I believe that you are the Christ, the
Son of God, who was to come into the world." - John 11:
Martha went to get her sister Mary after this. Mary was cry and grieving with many other Jews, and Jesus joined them in weeping. Then, everyone joined Jesus at the tomb. They removed the stone covering the burial place and Jesus prayed, "Lazarus, come out!"
Miraculously, Lazarus walked out the tomb. People were shocked, and they immediately put their faith in Him.
So you see, sometimes all it takes is a sign, big or small, to restore someone faith in Jesus. I've been given the gift of God's Blessed Assurance. I know He is there, because I have put my faith in him and prayed. You have not because you ask not. Never forget one of my favorite Bible verses: "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9.
Miracles, whether they be huge (like being raised form the dead), or minuscule (like your broken computer suddenly working again) are everywhere. You just have to open your eyes and see!
God Bless,
"But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." - James 1:6
P.S: Tomorrow, as a live demonstration of the Power of Prayer, I am dedicating a Wordless Wednesday to some very special children. I've briefly posted about them before, but I won't tell you when. Any guesses? I'm hoping for this to be a really powerful Wordless
Wednesday that will get many, many people praying!
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