Saturday, January 15, 2011

Godly Character Quality #1: Truthfulness

A certain family of Wonderful Christians (They were featured on my blog on Thursday, as Wonderful Christians #3!) introduced me to a list of 49 important character qualities. The 49 qualities are all important aspects of being a good Christian. I will focus on about 3-4 a week, and today happens to be day 1!

The first character quality from the list of operational definitions provided by Wonderful Christians #3 is: Truthfulness vs. Deception: Earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts-Ephesians -4:25.

To me, this means that God wants us to be truthful (to him, to other people, and to ourselves) so that we can earn their trust.

We should be able to open up to God and pray about each and every aspect of our lives. God is our best friend and we don't even know it! He knows everything about us. As a Christian, when you lie you are betraying God. You will feel guilty, not only about lying to whomever you lied to, but but for sinning against your Father in Heaven.

Honesty is the best policy, no matter what the circumstances are. All in all, I just try to do what is right in His eyes and follow His Word. This is what Truthfulness means to me!

Think about it: What does truthfulness mean to YOU?

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