Isn't that just the sweetest face ever?! This precious baby, Lily Anne Rice, is turning one year old today! Happy Birthday Lily!
I've never met Lily, but I'm in love with her Mama's blog, A Perfect Lily. I came across Patti's blog a few months ago, and I've been obsessed ever since!
Lily was born with, as her Mommy says, "a magical extra chromosome." A Perfect Lily is Patti's blog of letters to Lily, who is her tenth child. She blogs about how she has felt throughout Lily's whole situation and diagnosis. Though Patti was scared before Lily was born, once she was here on Earth, Patti knew she was just perfect. Lily may have down syndrome, but she will never feel short on love.
A Perfect Lily is one of my favorite blogs. I check it daily for updates on sweet little Lily. The best part is that after almost every one of Patti's sweet, heartfelt messages to Lily, she posts pictures! There must be a thousand pictures of that beautiful little girl on A Perfect Lily.
Patti is a wonderful mom, woman, and servant to God. Even though I don't know her, I can just tell by the way she writes. Patti's other blog Notes from Home, is a blog about her entire family and their life. Notes from Home is great as well, and I love the music!
Lastly, we can't forget about Patti's daughter, Mackenzie's, blog to Lily. I just discovered oh, dearest lily bird a few days ago when I heard about it on Patti's blog. Mackenzie loves her sister Lily so much! Her words to Lily are so sweet. They just melt your heart.
In addition to her parents, 9 siblings, family, and friends who love Lily, she has someone else. Her heavenly Father. He will always be there for her because he loves her. He will always be with her family, as well. God will guide us through life, past the hardships, so we can embrace the wonderful things. Trust Him with your life, and let Him lead you, just as the Rice family has!
I wanted to post the most precious video of Lily's first year, but I have no idea how! Instead, I'll settle for posting a link. Click here to watch the video!
Don't forget to stop by and visit the Rice family at their awesome blogs!
A Perfect Lily
God Bless,
P.S: On A Perfect Lily, Patti blogs a lot about some very special children on Reece's Rainbow, the International Down Syndrome Orphan Ministry. The stories of these children are heartbreaking, but there is definitely hope. Patti has raised thousands of dollars for 2 specific children on Reece's Rainbow: Olga and Kareen. Kareen is so blessed to have recently found a wonderful family. However, something has come up, and the family that wanted to adopt Olga had to back out.
Also, I can't forget about another baby on Reece's Rainbow, a boy named Peter. He is about to turn 4, and he is facing an institution. Patti has asked everyone to pray. Please pray for Kareen, Olga, Peter, and all the other precious children on Reece's Rainbow that are still in need of families. Thanks!
Visit Reece's Rainbow
OH, you are just TOO sweet! Thank you for this kind post, I am so touched:) God bless you!