Personally, I find this character quality so important in becoming a good Christian. The operational definition is: Generosity vs. Stinginess: Realizing that all I have belongs to God and using it for His purposes. - II Corinthians 9:6
I have a wonderful story to share about someone who has just been constantly generous to my family. That someone would be my grandmother.
Recently, both my family's dryer and dishwasher broke. We did not have the money to fix them, but we were getting by. Well, when my grandmother came to visit for thanksgiving, she saw the need for a dryer and a dishwasher in our home. My grandmother gave my parents the money to by the new appliances.
My grandmother has been continually generous to all of my family members. As she says, " I'd rather spend the money on you guys right now when I have it, rather than just let it sit in a bank account." She has been so generous as to give us a lot of money over the years. We have always been so grateful for that.
Yesterday, my grandma just put the icing on the cake. She called me on the phone and told me that she bought us a laptop and it would be here on sometime next week. I was in shock. All I could say was "Wow, thank you so much! "as I listened to her tell me all about it. When she first said the words, i automatically thought "God is so good!" He has seen the need in our family (Our family computer recently succumbed to a virus) and met it.
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. -Luke 11:9. God understands our needs in life and he does not want us to go without. This correlates great with my last post about Stuck In The Middle by Virginia Smith. God delights in giving to us, but we need to ask him! Everything is possible through prayer.
I know that my prayers have been answered. My family is so blessed, and I want to find a way to give back now. It is so important to give to people and be selfless. God is the most selfless of all. Strive to be like him. I work everyday to be a good Christian, and everyday the Lord blesses me. I feel so blessed to have the life I have. He has given me everything I have, and I will use it all to become a better person. Bottom line: Love the Lord with all your heart. Have a servants heart, and be eager to give back to those who are without. It is all in the power of prayer!
God Bless,
P.S: Take the time to thank those people who have been continually generous to you! They deserve it.
Think about it: What does generosity mean to YOU?
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