During the first few days of my blog, I posted about three wonderful Christians. It wasn't that they were the only wonderful Christians in existence, it was just that they were the first 3 that came to mind. There are many,many more examples of lovely Christian people, and I intend to find them!
Anyway, I have been waiting and waiting this past week to sneak a certain person in, and today is the day I finally get to share about her! Wonderful Christian #4 is (drum roll please!) : Sarah Mally!!!
Sarah Mally is my idol. She is the most awesome, personable, and godly girl you will ever meet! (Okay, I haven't exactly met her, but its
feels like I have!)
The Mally family, Harold and Rebekah plus their three children, Sarah, Stephen, and Grace, has their own family ministry called
Tomorrow's Forefathers. Their goal with their ministries is just to spread God's word and encourage/strengthen families in Him. Sarah is all about ministering to teen girls. She may be 30 years young, but she ministers as if she were 17 again (no Zac Efron movie reference intended!), living the teen struggles along with you.
In 1996, when Sarah was 17, she became concerned about many teen girls walk with the Lord. She desired to design a ministry to reach teens and draw them closer to God. She named her ministry Bright Lights, with Bright standing for Being Radiant In Godliness, Holiness, and Testimony.

Bright Lights, which was initially held right there in the Mally family living room, have grown into a nation wide phenomenon among godly teens and pre-teens. There are currently over 350 Bright Lights groups. In the beginning, Bright Lights was targeted towards girls ages 10-13. This is the age when real "dating" first comes into play. Some teens get their first kiss during these very early teen years. Sarah felt like this was the opportune time to reach girls, because it is right when they are making these important decisions about dating. There are SO many worldly, negative and inappropriate influences (Note: Post about this coming this week!) in the day-to-day life of a teenager, and Sarah longed to provide the positive, pure, and HOLY influence.
In Spring of 2001, Sarah organized the "Strong in the Lord" Conference. The purpose was to give the older girls involved in Bright Lights an opportunity to minister and teach to the younger girls. The first conference was a hit, with skits, stories, testimonies, and important topics like keeping a clear conscience, giving your heart to your parents, and staying Strong in the Lord.
Soon after beginning the Strong in the Lord conferences, Sarah began the Radiant Purity conferences. Sarah continues to share with teen girls the importance of saving your heart for that ONE special someone the Lord has for you. It can be challenging, but its is so worth it.
Strong in the Lord Conference:
This conference, including practical teaching, insightful testimonies, humorous skits, a chalk talk, harp music, singing, hands-on activities, and small group times with sharing and interaction will encourage young ladies to seek the Lord with all of their heart. It will challenge and prepare girls to stay strong for the Lord all the way through their teen years, and provide these girls with the friendship, fellowship, and godly influence of young ladies who are bright lights for the Lord.
Radiant Purity Conference: This conference will encourage young ladies to be committed to emotional purity, to walk by faith, and to wait for God’s best in marriage. Creatively presented through stories and testimonies, practical instruction, skits, and real-life examples, this conference gives Biblical answers to everyday questions and deep life struggles. The material is discreet and appropriate for twelve year olds and yet relevant to all ages. Includes testimonies from young ladies who serve as Bright Lights staff, chalk drawings, and harp music. Sarah and her siblings wrote a book entitled
Making Brothers and Sister's Best Friends. The purpose of this book was to share that siblings can overcome all of their challenges and become friends. Family harmony is very important to the Mally's.
"This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you. -John 15:12Sarah's second book,
Before You Meet Prince Charming: A Guide To Radiant Purity, is amazing. It is my very favorite book in the whole world! It took me a long time to find it because it wasn't at any local libraries or book stores! I had to
order it on Amazon, but it was well worth it! She combines the story of a princess committed to staying pure with her own real life examples and advice. She encourages everyone not to be afraid of being single. The hardest task the Lord asks us to do is wait, wait for our perfect spouse, but if we do wait and stay strong in Him, then we will prosper. Sarah is still single, but she is proud. The most important years of your life are before marriage and relationships when you are growing closer to God. Sarah has obviously done marvelously at encouraging this. She isn't just sitting around daydreaming about that perfect man (again, not a Hilary Duff movie reference either!). She is touching the hearts of all those faithful girls out there, and encouraging them to follow
God's way.
Sarah Mally continues to impact my life every single day.I know that I am completely willing and completely over the moon bursting with joy that I can wait for the Lord to pick my future "Prince Charming". I've already made my commitments to the Lord and he has blessed me for that. My first kiss was not at 10-13 years old. My first kiss will be on my wedding day! I want to stay a pure rose spreading His word to others until God decides it's the time for me to marry. I'm so happy to share the ways that this wonderful woman has changed my life and drawn me closer to God.
If I end up being even half the truly wonderful Christian Sarah Mally is, I would be honored. I'm the oldest in my family, and I look to up to Sarah is a big all-knowing sister, just as I know so m any other girls do. I'm committed to staying radiantly pure, until I meet that special someone. I'm completely willing to wait for God's best. He has fantastic things in store for me, for ALL of us, if we will just put our faith, trust, and hope in Him. Be unwavering in your faith and commitments!
"I solemnly tell you," said Jesus, "that if you have an unwavering faith, you shall not only perform such a miracle as this of the fig-tree, but that even if you say to this mountain, 'Be thou lifted up and hurled into the sea,' it shall be done." -Matthew 21:21Sarah is awesome, so please check her out! She is a most wonderful Christian. God bless her!!!
God Bless (Don't worry, I didn't forget about you guys!),
FYI: Starting two weeks from today, on February 13th, I will be hosting a read along of Before You Meet Price Charming! Get your copies bought so you can follow along!!!
I will review a chapter of the book each Sunday. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to fellowship with others and gain some great knowledge about staying pure in this not so pure world. It's going to be fun, and I'm really excited to read through my favorite book with everyone!!! Be there!