Monday, May 23, 2011

YAY Phoebe!!!

Guess what?

Phoebe found her family!

For those of your who don't know, Phoebe is the 2 year old cutie who captured my heart way back in February.

I've been thinking about her for a few days, just knowing in my heart that she had a family committed to her.

I don't know why. it was just this feeling I had that I knew was true!

So today, when I finally couldn't take it anymore, I hopped onto the Reece's Rainbow website, did a quick search for this little girl, and lo and behold:


Even tough I already knew, my heart still lurched. Because it's AMAZING news!

I'm so excited for her. She's just barely 2, so she's going to get out of the horrible orphanage she's in an into a clean home with a loving family before she's even 3 years old!

She's a lucky duck, this girl.

Don't get me wrong, just because I knew it was coming doesn't mean I'm not freaking out. Trust me, I still freaking out!!! 

I'm just amazed my the way God opens the hearts of families. Almost all adoption stories start out the same way. "We didn't know we wanted to adopt, we didn't think we could adopt, but when we saw that face, we dove in."

No plan. Most of he time, no money. Just a rock solid faith in God and the willingness to believe that miracles DO happen.

No news, on who Phoebe's family is yet, which means her family has just found her, maybe even within the past week!! 

Adoption is just a calling. It can come to anyone and everyone. The journey is long and crazy. But the reward... is priceless! 

Go sweet Phoebe!!!

{Please keep Phoebe and her soon to be family in your prayers. They will need them!}


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story. It is my hope to someday adopt an older child (2 or over). So many get overlooked just because they are not babies anymore. It warms my heart to hear anytime a precious child finds a family. Thats awesome you have prayed over that!
