Monday, May 16, 2011

Renaming Contest!

Hey Ladies...

So heres the predicament I'm in: I want to move to Wordpress! Awesome, right? Because seriously. I'm over Blogger. It was great, but I already have Wordpress for my design site, and I want to have it for this site now too! I'm really excited about this.

So... how exactly is this a predicament?

Well, for a Wordpress site, you have to register your domain. That's permanent. And I really, really don't want my permanent domain name to be

Maybe you like that name. Honestly, I thought it was just fabulous way back in December/January. But it got old... fast. Now I can't stand it! I've been wanting to change it forever!

I don't exactly hate it, but it's just boring. I want a more creative name for my blog!


So here's the deal:

I love my creative friends, and I want your help!

Do you have an idea for a great blog name to replace Faithful Always?

Names can be anything. They can be based off some of the content here, about a certain post, about something you saw at the grocery store last week... whatever, friends!

I especially love Scripture based blog names. I've been trying to come up with one forever, but that perfect verse is just not jumping out at me.

So that's it. The sky is the limit here! Please get creative, and leave a comment with your name suggestion! Oh, and don't forget to let me know how you came up with this name. Story, Verse, etc.


I'll leave this little contest open for at least a few days (longer if we don't have the perfect name yet!)

I'll read all the comments and decide on my very favorite name. (Yes, this is a totally biased contest. Sorry! At least it's really fun.)

If I choose you name, I promise I'll give you something. Maybe a giftcard?

Hey, maybe I'll even make you a special one-of-a-kind button that says "I named... (Insert new blog name here)". If that's totally lame, say so.

Even if you think you are the least creative person ever, enter. Really, because who knows, a name you think is not creative at all could be my favorite! I'm so excited to hear what you come up with!


P.S: Fun fact that no one knows... For the first few days, this blog was called Following God Forevermore. (Insert cringe.) Do you see how badly I need help?


  1. I'm not really good at this. To be honest I'm new to your blog so I don't know if I should be the one throwing out suggestions. I saw your cry for help on twitter and rushed over :-). Well here goes some ideas. I'm sorry if they're less than luster:


    Ok those are my suggestions. Good luck

    angiewith3 at live dot com

  2. Eveni thought I personally like Faithful Always, How about "It's All about Him"? I wish I had thought about that when I first started my blog, but I am not creative, and I didn't want the young lady who was helping me created it have to wait, ergo the boring name of "PJ's Prayer Line" was adopted. Well, that's my 2 1/2 cents worth. LOL! I love your floral Header! SO COOL!

    God Bless,

