Friday, May 20, 2011

Wrestling with Compassion

Yesterday, I stopped by my parents house to pick up a few things.

When I got there, my dad was watching some sort of wrestling competition show {I don't know. Don't ask!}

I was running early {for once} so I stayed for a few minutes.

Apparently, one guy had to forfeit the competition because he fractured his ankle.

Then, all in a matter of 10 minutes, a girl landed wrong and broke her foot.

She was crying, and while others were calling an ambulance, another girl from the show was holding her hand for support, and trying to comfort her. 

Obviously, she had to drop out of this competition too. 

Most of the competitors still left voiced the fact that they felt so bad for that guy and this girl. Being eliminated from a competition is one thing, but having to take yourself out because of an injury you sustained is pretty sad.

Then... some other guy who had yet to speak on the subject talked. He said,  "Honestly, this is a competition.  I feel bad for them or whatever, yeah, but this is just 2 less people for me to worry about."

I was shocked.

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." {Ephesians 4:29}

Of course, I understand this is a competition (I don't even know what they're competing for though.) Still... how can one person be so self-centered?

Everyone else on that show is in this competition too. However, they aren't compromising values or morals to win it. When those 2 people injured themselves, and they were in need, everyone else stopped focusing on winning and started focusing on what really mattered.

The people!

I just wonder... where is his compassion?

How can this one man go along saying things like this without feeling even a little bit sympathetic?

I know sympathy isn't always easy. In a split second this could be him. Not that I would ever wish an injury on this man, but it really could happen. And you know what? Despite his lack of sincerity for their well-being, I think that that guy and girl would come running to support him if he were injured.

And I don't even know that he would be able to appreciate it!

All throughout our life we are in competition with some. Someone at school, at work, maybe a family member, or even another blogger! We are always trying to be ahead. To one-up our friends. I know. {Can I get an Amen?}

I'm just saying: In this highly competitive world, don't let yourself get sucked in. Don't ever compromise your compassion or sincerity for others over something superficial. You'll regret it. 

The thing is, God forgives. He really does. Just because He loves us. We're His children. Have you ever stopped loving your child {or sister,brother, cousin, niece, nephew. etc.} because they made a mistake?

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." {John 5:12}

People, however, aren't always this forgiving. In this situation, those 2 injured people were upset. They were not being eliminated. They had both been doing really well, and they weren't in any danger of being eliminated. But Mother Nature doesn't listen to people. They accidentally sustained injuries, and we're so disappointed to have to  leave this competition.

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."  {Matthew 7-1:2}

Just remember to stop and smell the roses every so often. Take a deep breath, and prioritize. Think about what things are important to you. Don't let any of the competitiveness or stress of life stop you from being a compassionate person who can put herself in other peoples shoes. 

You only get one life to live. How are you going to live yours?

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