Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Be REAL {Jesus was}
The other day, I was visiting my parents. My dad and I went to Walmart to pick up a few things.
As we were walking back to our car, an older man looked to my dad and said, "Hey! How are you doing?"
My dad replied with an, "I'm good, thanks for asking."
No big deal.
i, on the other hand, was just dying to get to the car. As soon as my dad was inside, I immediately asked him, "Did you know that guy?"
"No. He was just being friendly."
"He's a weirdo. That is so creepy!" were the first words out of my mouth.
As soon as I said that, I wondered, "Why?"
What did that man do wrong to make me think he was weird or creepy? I think the real question is what did he do right.
"A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself." {Proverbs 11:17}
Back before my time, people used to be different. If you saw someone on the street, you would say hello. You would flash your best smile. If someone needed help reaching an item in the store, you would grab it for them. People would engage in real conversations, not just small talk ending with an, "I'm fine", when really, who is?
You want to know what happened?
People got busy. Suddenly, there was no time for conversations, warm smiles, befriending the woman in line in front of you at the grocery. It was just... go, go, go.
We made a mistake.
That is not how life should be! We should not be weirded out when someone says hello to us. Sadly, that's what it's come to.
In my life, I've always had to goal of becoming more like Jesus with each passing breath.
"For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them." {2 Peter 2:21}
In so many ways, none of us are like Jesus. Times were much simpler 2,000 years ago. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
Jesus was non-judgmental. Even when he was around those who didn't believe in Him, those who tortured and mocked Him, He wasn't rude. He was kind, offering up advice to anyone who asked for it, telling people that all they needed to do was repent, and they would be saved.
"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." {James 4:17}
Friends, as Christians you sometimes have to go against the grain. Society has been turned, twisted, and reshaped. WE have new "Normals", when what we really need to stick to is the original "normals" and standards set by Christ, himself.
Be kind to one another.
Show compassion.
Lend a helping hand.
Accept people for who they are.
Do random nice things for complete strangers and out-of-the-blue times.
Be a source of encouragement.
Go a little deeper than to just say, "I'm fine." Be REAL with someone.
As Gandhi says, "Be the change you want to see in this world." Be the change. Don't wait for someone else to be the change and then jump on the bandwagon. Because I'm telling you, friends... that won't happen.
Be the trend setter. Take a step in the godly direction. Every great journey starts with one small step, right?
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." {Ephesians 4:32}
I'm really going to try to live with this new outlook on life. It's not creepy to say hello to someone. Truthfully, it's scary that in the past few months, I've only seen that one man do it.
"They profess to know God, but they deny Him in their works." {Titus 1:16}
I've often wondered if people can tell your a Christ follower. We don't look any different or dress any different However, I hope that people are able to see it through my countenance. My newfound willingness to go the extra mile to be more like Jesus, and let his powerful kindness radiate through me and lead my spirit.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." {Romans 12:2}
Monday, May 23, 2011
YAY Phoebe!!!
Guess what?
Phoebe found her family!
For those of your who don't know, Phoebe is the 2 year old cutie who captured my heart way back in February.
I've been thinking about her for a few days, just knowing in my heart that she had a family committed to her.
I don't know why. it was just this feeling I had that I knew was true!
So today, when I finally couldn't take it anymore, I hopped onto the Reece's Rainbow website, did a quick search for this little girl, and lo and behold:
Even tough I already knew, my heart still lurched. Because it's AMAZING news!
I'm so excited for her. She's just barely 2, so she's going to get out of the horrible orphanage she's in an into a clean home with a loving family before she's even 3 years old!
She's a lucky duck, this girl.
Don't get me wrong, just because I knew it was coming doesn't mean I'm not freaking out. Trust me, I still freaking out!!!
I'm just amazed my the way God opens the hearts of families. Almost all adoption stories start out the same way. "We didn't know we wanted to adopt, we didn't think we could adopt, but when we saw that face, we dove in."
No plan. Most of he time, no money. Just a rock solid faith in God and the willingness to believe that miracles DO happen.
No news, on who Phoebe's family is yet, which means her family has just found her, maybe even within the past week!!
Adoption is just a calling. It can come to anyone and everyone. The journey is long and crazy. But the reward... is priceless!
Go sweet Phoebe!!!
{Please keep Phoebe and her soon to be family in your prayers. They will need them!}
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Inspiration By Song
Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, and His grace is evident all around! Enjoy this Sunday; it's never going to come around again! Just be blessed and enjoy this wonderful life you've been given. :)
Here are 2 awesome songs to get you into a gracious and empowered mood, which will match the day perfectly! Enjoy!
Plus... who doesn't love Steven Curtis Chapman and Mandisa? Well, maybe it's just me, but I'm in love with these too!
"The long-awaited rains have fallen hard upon the thirsty ground
and carved their way to where the wild and rushing river can be found
And like the rains I have been carried here to where the river flows, yeah
My heart is racin' and my knees are weak as I walk to the edge
I know there is no turning back once my feet have left the ledge
And in the rush I hear a voice, it's telling me it's time to
Take the leap of faith
So here I go
I'm diving in
I'm going deep
In over my head I wanna be
Caught in the rush
Lost in the flow
In over my head I wanna go
The river's deep
The river's wide
The river's water is alive
So sink or swim
I'm diving in
I'm diving in
There is a supernatural power in this mighty river's flow
It can bring the dead to life, and it can fill an empty soul
And give a heart the only thing worth livin' and worth dyin' for, yeah
But we will never know the awesome power of the grace of God
Until we let ourselves get swept away into this holy flood
So if you'll take my hand, we'll close our eyes and count to three
And take the leap of faith
Come on let's go!"
"I was so helpless
Where did the light go
I had no hope left
Deep down in my soul
I was watchin'
I was waitin'
I was prayin'
I was stayin' down on my knees
That's right where You found me
My Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captive
My Deliverer, You set me free
Now I'm alive and I can live
So every moment I will give you praise
My Deliverer
Ooh my Deliverer
There's no pretending
I can't do it myself
I'm so dependent
Lord I need Your help
I'll be watchin'
I'll be waitin'
I'll be prayin'
I'll be stayin' down on my knees
That's right where You'll find me
My Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captive
My Deliverer, You set me free
Now I'm alive and I can live
And every moment I will give you praise
La la la la la I need You
You know whatever I'm goin' through
I'll be watchin'
I'll be waitin'
I'll be prayin'
I'll be stayin' down on my knees
That's right where You'll find me
My Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captive
My Deliverer, You set me free
Now I can live
My Deliverer, I'm no longer captive
My Deliverer, You gave Your life that I might live
So every moment I will give you praise
Yeah my Deliverer
I'm gonna give You praise
I'm gonna give You praise
My Deliverer."
Inspiration By Song,
Steven Curtis Chapman
Saturday, May 21, 2011
6 o'clock has come and gone.
I'm still here! You?
People have been freaking out about this rapture issue all day.
Harold Camping told the world that the world would end today.
We knew it wasn't true. How did we know? How did I know?
Because we won't know.
"Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." {1 Thessalonians 5:2}
Today was not the day. But one day, it will be!
Just because He didn't come today, doesn't mean He isn't coming.
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." {Matthew 24:36}
Isn't that a beautful thing? So rejoice, sweet friends!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wrestling with Compassion
Yesterday, I stopped by my parents house to pick up a few things.
When I got there, my dad was watching some sort of wrestling competition show {I don't know. Don't ask!}
I was running early {for once} so I stayed for a few minutes.
Apparently, one guy had to forfeit the competition because he fractured his ankle.
Then, all in a matter of 10 minutes, a girl landed wrong and broke her foot.
She was crying, and while others were calling an ambulance, another girl from the show was holding her hand for support, and trying to comfort her.
Obviously, she had to drop out of this competition too.
Most of the competitors still left voiced the fact that they felt so bad for that guy and this girl. Being eliminated from a competition is one thing, but having to take yourself out because of an injury you sustained is pretty sad.
Then... some other guy who had yet to speak on the subject talked. He said, "Honestly, this is a competition. I feel bad for them or whatever, yeah, but this is just 2 less people for me to worry about."
I was shocked.
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." {Ephesians 4:29}
Of course, I understand this is a competition (I don't even know what they're competing for though.) Still... how can one person be so self-centered?
Everyone else on that show is in this competition too. However, they aren't compromising values or morals to win it. When those 2 people injured themselves, and they were in need, everyone else stopped focusing on winning and started focusing on what really mattered.
The people!
I just wonder... where is his compassion?
How can this one man go along saying things like this without feeling even a little bit sympathetic?
I know sympathy isn't always easy. In a split second this could be him. Not that I would ever wish an injury on this man, but it really could happen. And you know what? Despite his lack of sincerity for their well-being, I think that that guy and girl would come running to support him if he were injured.
And I don't even know that he would be able to appreciate it!
All throughout our life we are in competition with some. Someone at school, at work, maybe a family member, or even another blogger! We are always trying to be ahead. To one-up our friends. I know. {Can I get an Amen?}
I'm just saying: In this highly competitive world, don't let yourself get sucked in. Don't ever compromise your compassion or sincerity for others over something superficial. You'll regret it.
The thing is, God forgives. He really does. Just because He loves us. We're His children. Have you ever stopped loving your child {or sister,brother, cousin, niece, nephew. etc.} because they made a mistake?
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." {John 5:12}
People, however, aren't always this forgiving. In this situation, those 2 injured people were upset. They were not being eliminated. They had both been doing really well, and they weren't in any danger of being eliminated. But Mother Nature doesn't listen to people. They accidentally sustained injuries, and we're so disappointed to have to leave this competition.
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you." {Matthew 7-1:2}
Just remember to stop and smell the roses every so often. Take a deep breath, and prioritize. Think about what things are important to you. Don't let any of the competitiveness or stress of life stop you from being a compassionate person who can put herself in other peoples shoes.
When I got there, my dad was watching some sort of wrestling competition show {I don't know. Don't ask!}
I was running early {for once} so I stayed for a few minutes.
Apparently, one guy had to forfeit the competition because he fractured his ankle.
Then, all in a matter of 10 minutes, a girl landed wrong and broke her foot.
She was crying, and while others were calling an ambulance, another girl from the show was holding her hand for support, and trying to comfort her.
Obviously, she had to drop out of this competition too.
Most of the competitors still left voiced the fact that they felt so bad for that guy and this girl. Being eliminated from a competition is one thing, but having to take yourself out because of an injury you sustained is pretty sad.
Then... some other guy who had yet to speak on the subject talked. He said, "Honestly, this is a competition. I feel bad for them or whatever, yeah, but this is just 2 less people for me to worry about."
I was shocked.
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." {Ephesians 4:29}
Of course, I understand this is a competition (I don't even know what they're competing for though.) Still... how can one person be so self-centered?
Everyone else on that show is in this competition too. However, they aren't compromising values or morals to win it. When those 2 people injured themselves, and they were in need, everyone else stopped focusing on winning and started focusing on what really mattered.
The people!
I just wonder... where is his compassion?
How can this one man go along saying things like this without feeling even a little bit sympathetic?
I know sympathy isn't always easy. In a split second this could be him. Not that I would ever wish an injury on this man, but it really could happen. And you know what? Despite his lack of sincerity for their well-being, I think that that guy and girl would come running to support him if he were injured.
And I don't even know that he would be able to appreciate it!
All throughout our life we are in competition with some. Someone at school, at work, maybe a family member, or even another blogger! We are always trying to be ahead. To one-up our friends. I know. {Can I get an Amen?}
I'm just saying: In this highly competitive world, don't let yourself get sucked in. Don't ever compromise your compassion or sincerity for others over something superficial. You'll regret it.
The thing is, God forgives. He really does. Just because He loves us. We're His children. Have you ever stopped loving your child {or sister,brother, cousin, niece, nephew. etc.} because they made a mistake?
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." {John 5:12}
People, however, aren't always this forgiving. In this situation, those 2 injured people were upset. They were not being eliminated. They had both been doing really well, and they weren't in any danger of being eliminated. But Mother Nature doesn't listen to people. They accidentally sustained injuries, and we're so disappointed to have to leave this competition.
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you." {Matthew 7-1:2}
Just remember to stop and smell the roses every so often. Take a deep breath, and prioritize. Think about what things are important to you. Don't let any of the competitiveness or stress of life stop you from being a compassionate person who can put herself in other peoples shoes.
You only get one life to live. How are you going to live yours?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Eternally Blessed!
God’s eternal blessings
Flow down from above
To equip us in His mission
To spread His wondrous love
So He can always use us
And stretch us in our faith
So we may be a blessing
To others by His grace
For everything we need
God will graciously provide
Through His eternal blessings
That’s abundant in our lives
- By M.S.Lownde
Isn't that a beautiful poem?
Isn't that a beautiful poem?
Everyday, I try to be a blessing to someone in a new way. I am blessed! Say that with me now. I don't think we really realize how blessed we are.
We have warm beds to sleep in.
We have healthy (maybe!) food to eat.
We have computers, iPods, cell phones, and much more.
Yet, somehow we always manage to find something to complain about. Just so that we can say, "I'm not as blessed as you think I am."
That's not true.
Be the change, sweet friend!
Turn the world upside down. Learn to love yourself, your family/friends. your life, and most of all you Creator with all your mind, body, soul and strength!
Some people need a reminder of just how blessed they are. I remember a few weeks ago when we were having a family dinner. I wanted to ask my aunt a question about flowers (she's the expert) and so I asked, gave her a quick hug, and went on with my day. No big deal, right?
Well, later, my aunt came up to me to thank me. She had been feeling a little down, and that was the perfect pick-me-up for her.
Even just a simple smile can do the trick. I make a point to smile at everyone I see, even if we are just passing by on the street, and even if they don't smile back!
Make a point to be blessed and be a blessing. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart!"- Psalms 37:4 Sometimes, I think we are too afraid to delight in Him. We're afraid of the unknown. We don't know what will be in store for us when we open our hearts to accept His blessings and pass them on to others. My guess is as good as yours. All I know is this: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11
And trust me on this one, friends, He will not disappoint! :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Eyes Opened...
I have this friend named Sierra. She's 11. My sister is 11, so I know a lot of 11 year olds! I've known our friend, Bayleigh, since she was 6 years old! This year, Sierra moved into our area. She has been going to school with my sister, Rachel, and Bayleigh since the beginning of the year (they're in 6th grade).
I always try to be accepting of other people. I really do try! However, I'm human. I mean, there are things about every person that can get on your nerves. That's natural. But, Sierra, (It's not easy to type this...) she just has to be right, and she thinks she knows everything. (There. I sound awful, but I said it!)
A few weeks back, Sierra's cousin was killed in Afghanistan. She missed school for 3 days to go to New Jersey for the funeral. I felt so bad for her. I mean, that would be anyone's automatic reaction, right?
Last Monday Sierra went to school with Rachel and Bayleigh, just like normal. They usually ride the bus, but I was off college/work last Tuesday, so I decided I would drive them Tuesday morning.
When I stepped outside, Bayleigh told me Sierra wasn't coming.
"Why?" I asked.
"She fell off her swing last night and broke both wrists plus her nose."
There it was. That instant response. That, "Oh no, I feel so bad for her!"
That was it. I didn't really even think about Sierra again until the next morning when she wasn't waiting at the bus stop.
"Where is Sierra?" I asked Rachel.
"She's staying home for the rest of the year." (At this point, that's 15 days).
That, "Oh no, I feel so bad for her?" Gone. Replaced with some kind of, "What's her problem? Why does she think she's so special? Other people break their legs and come to school the next day, but all she did was break her wrists and shes staying home all year?!"
Sympathy is one of my weakest areas. Probably THE weakest. Some people have it, some people don't. I don't.
I have those automatic reactions. But I never really feel sympathetic for someone. One of my 4 "life goals" is to be empathetic. To put myself in others places and try to feel for them. Whenever I want to judge someone (not judging is one of my other "life goals") I instead have empathy for them and make a point to think something nice about them.
I kept making a big deal about Sierra. If I'm anything, I'm passionate. Meaning I'll go around for days ranting and raving about something.
I was annoyed with Sierra. I was. I don't exactly know why, but that was definitely the emotion I felt. I should have been being supportive and kind, but instead I was caught up in my annoyance.
Rachel and Bayleigh have been visiting her everyday. Truthfully my first thought about this was, "She can't come over here (to our house) at all?" and Rachel told me, "No. She needs to stay home to have her medicine and keep her arm elevated and everything."
As I got more details, though, I started to have a change of heart. Friends, Sierra has one cast up to the elbow and one up her whole arm. She can't do ANYTHING. Her mom even has to feed her. Her doctor is the one who said she couldn't go to school, but because of this injury she has missed out on state testing. Because of that, she has to have a special tutor come to give her the state tests and help her get the hours of school she needs to move on to 7th grade. On top of that, I recently found out that the tutor isn't coming for 14 days. Everyone else gets out of school in 11 days. This means that sweet Sierra is going to be sitting at home unable to do anything for 2 weeks, and then as so as summer break starts, she's going to be back in school again through her tutor.
How could I be so insensitive?
On the second to last day of school, the sixth grade goes on a trip to Cincinnati. 6am to midnight. That trip was so fun, and so memorable for me. I loved it. When I thought about that, it dawned on me: Sierra is going to miss out on Cincinnati. It turns out, Sierra is getting one of her casts off before the end of school. Meaning she could go back! The thing is, she gets her cast off on the second to last day of school, the same day as the trip to Cincinnati. She is literally just missing out on the trip by hours.
I'm sad for her. This is not what she deserves! I find myself wondering, Why, God?
It's easy to praise Him with everything with life is super fantastic with a cherry on top. When the going gets tough though, are you praising or complaining?
I'm genuinely sorry. I can understand a little bit of how Sierra must be feeling. She needs her friends now more than ever! I'm sorry to say that I was being a horrible friend to her this past week.
"Once our eyes are opened we cannot pretend we do not know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows we know and holds us responsible to act." - Proverbs 24:12
I keep coming back to that. My eyes have been opened. Do I still have this feeling of guilt for the way I thought towards Sierra last week? Absolutely. Before, I thought I wasn't "good" at sympathy. I could just say, "Oh, I guess God doesn't want me to be a sympatheticanymore. Instead I'm asking myself why! I am capable of being an empathetic, and caring person, and I'm going to do it right here and right now. With Sierra.
Thank you, Sierra, for helping me see what I was missing before.
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32
Monday, May 16, 2011
Renaming Contest!
Hey Ladies...
So heres the predicament I'm in: I want to move to Wordpress! Awesome, right? Because seriously. I'm over Blogger. It was great, but I already have Wordpress for my design site, and I want to have it for this site now too! I'm really excited about this.
So... how exactly is this a predicament?
Well, for a Wordpress site, you have to register your domain. That's permanent. And I really, really don't want my permanent domain name to be
Maybe you like that name. Honestly, I thought it was just fabulous way back in December/January. But it got old... fast. Now I can't stand it! I've been wanting to change it forever!
I don't exactly hate it, but it's just boring. I want a more creative name for my blog!
So here's the deal:
I love my creative friends, and I want your help!
Do you have an idea for a great blog name to replace Faithful Always?
Names can be anything. They can be based off some of the content here, about a certain post, about something you saw at the grocery store last week... whatever, friends!
I especially love Scripture based blog names. I've been trying to come up with one forever, but that perfect verse is just not jumping out at me.
So that's it. The sky is the limit here! Please get creative, and leave a comment with your name suggestion! Oh, and don't forget to let me know how you came up with this name. Story, Verse, etc.
I'll leave this little contest open for at least a few days (longer if we don't have the perfect name yet!)
I'll read all the comments and decide on my very favorite name. (Yes, this is a totally biased contest. Sorry! At least it's really fun.)
If I choose you name, I promise I'll give you something. Maybe a giftcard?
Hey, maybe I'll even make you a special one-of-a-kind button that says "I named... (Insert new blog name here)". If that's totally lame, say so.
Even if you think you are the least creative person ever, enter. Really, because who knows, a name you think is not creative at all could be my favorite! I'm so excited to hear what you come up with!
P.S: Fun fact that no one knows... For the first few days, this blog was called Following God Forevermore. (Insert cringe.) Do you see how badly I need help?
Monday, May 9, 2011
In a Blink of the Eye...
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. - 1 Corinthians 15:52
One hundred and twenty days ago, a girl decided to start a blog.
She didn't expect much. She was starting this blog to document her journey faithfully following the Lord.
For a while, she just wrote. She wrote about her passions. She discovered a part of the world that would change her life forever {Reece's Rainbow orphans}.
She never expected to become a "popular" blogger with actually readers and actual commenter. Truthfully, she never expected a single soul to read her blog.
Suddenly, something happened. Someone showed up at her blogs doorstep, and rang the bell. They left her a comment. She was thrilled.
Slowly but surely, more wonderful people began stopping by her blog. She began to get more and more readers. Build connections with more and more sisters in Christ. She began to build a community.
She had a dream. If 100 people would stop by and "follow" her blog, maybe in 8 or 10 years, she would be ecstatic That was her one, long term blog goal.
Friends, in case you haven't caught on yet, that girl is me. And today, that dream came true!
Faithful Always reached 100 Followers!!!
Wow. It's unbelievable! I can't believe it. 100 people have liked my blog enough to actually "follow" it. One hundred! I truly never thought I'd get anywhere close to this many followers. I'm so excited!
What else makes today special? Well, I'm really not the freak you think I am sitting here counting the days since I started blogging. Really. However, when I went to write this post, I asked myself, how long have I been blogging? Well, I started on January 9th. Today is May 9th. That means that we reached the 100 follower mark on our 4 month blogiversary!
Sure, there are other people who had 100 followers within weeks. Days even! For me, though, it's not about the numbers. Just like, though I write about my life + other things, I don't write this blog for me. I write it for Him. This also means that when you follow my blog, you are choosing to follow Him, as well. Always.
Anyway, the fun and fellowship here is just getting started, ladies! I'll be introducing many new things that you will love.
Also, I'm going to be holding a giveaway soon. Memorial Day weekend, I'm thinking. However, this is a unique giveaway. It's not for me, and though you ladies will have the chance to win some seriously sweet prizes, there is a bigger meaning. Trust me, you'll love it.
So... there you go. I am seriously still in awe about this! All I can say is: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice! {Phillippans 4:4}
Iron sharpens iron, and one woman sharpens another. {Proverbs 27:17} Let's keep it up, dear friends!
P.S: You know me. Don't you? If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, say even a few days, you would know that I LOVE to change up the design. I'm a blog design freak! I even have my own business, but that's beside the point.
I usually change it up every few weeks {and that's my max, people. I can't go any longer with the same design. I get bored. Good thing I know how to do it myself, or I would have spent a billion dollars in this department!}
SO, I thought that for this exciting occasion, I should get a fresh, new, beautiful blog design to match! Enjoy!
100th Follower,
Blog redesign,
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Inspiration by Mom
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.
~George Cooper
Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!
My mom is awesome. She is funny, sweet, supportive, all the best things you could ask for.
I know that for years she has gone under appreciated by me, but I hope she has never felt unloved!
"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. " ~Tenneva Jordan
I feel so lucky and blessed to have such a great mom. In honor of her, this weeks inspiration by song will be her 2 favorite songs! Now, let me warn you: Our music tastes could not be more different! I basically only listen to modern Christian music (Like our typical Inspiration By Songs), but my mom... she likes 80's rock!
Maybe I'm not a big fan of these songs, but no matter what, I'll always be a big fan of my mom. :)
Love you mom!!!
Praying that all of you and your moms/children have a wonderful, special, Mother's Day 2011!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Refusing to Rejoice
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy's."
Almost a week ago, on this past Sunday, May 1st, the world started celebrating.
Was it a holiday? No.
Was there a special wedding or birthday? No.
Why were we celebrating again?
We, dear friends, as a whole, were celebrating the death of someone else.
Osama Bin Laden.
I was on Twitter when I got this news. I can't tell you how many tweets I saw regarding how great this was. People were so happy! As a friend said, "5-1-11. A small revenge for 9-11-01."
Now, don't get me wrong: I realized what he did. I know who Osama Bin Laden is, yet at the same time, I could help but feel... sorry for him.
This is probably the only time I will ever get into a political issue on this blog. Really. I'm not much for politics. However, I feel like this is important to share. It's okay if you don't agree with me!
When I saw this massive out pour of people rejoicing over this situation, it made me feel bad. I mean, I sincerely hope that when I die (in 100+ years!), people aren't rejoicing about it.
Granted, I'm not planning on blowing up any skyscrapers, either.
I don't know about you, but I refuse to rejoice. Our country has been on edge for almost 10 years, trying catch this man. And he's finally caught.
I've come a long way learning to be a compassionate, empathetic, non-judgmental person (still working on it, actually). This is why I cannot bring myself to get excited over another mans death.
It's the principle of the thing. No matter who they are, I simply won't celebrate. I can't.
What about you? Do you see where I'm coming from? How did you react? Are you rejoicing, or are you refusing?
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