I'm not good enough.
This is what I'm constantly telling myself.
You see, I'm a perfectionist.
No matter what I do, I just feel like there is a certain standard I'm not living up too.
I'll do something, people will praise me and tell me it's amazing, but I'll still clearly see all of the flaws. I won't be satisfied.
I constantly struggle with this. Oh, I'll just try one more time, I need it to be perfect! (27 times later.)
I don't know why I'm like this. Would I rather just be a girl without a care in the world? Truthfully, no.
I'm not perfect. I'm really, really, not. I'm just a crazy person trying to reach the clouds when she can't even get to the top of the tree.
But neither can anyone else!
This is where the hope comes in.
I'm not perfect, but I'm not any less perfect than anyone else! Don't believe me? There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. {Galatians 3:28}
We are all one. Meaning we all make mistakes, and we ALL fall short of the glory of God. None of us can be perfect. We strive so hard to achieve this, yet somehow it never quite happens. That leaves is feeling down. Instead, we should rejoice!! Why? But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. {1 John 1:7}
Our Savior IS perfect. He is everything. All the glory belongs to Him. I certainly don't deserve His grace, yet He lavishes it on me. Why? But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. {Romans 5:8} And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, {Hebrews 5:9}
He died for you and I, for all of the Earth, so that we may walk freely. He sacrificed Himself, and in turn gave us the best gift we could ever ask for: life! Think about the hate and torture He endured for us on the Cross. Our Savior did not hold that against them. He humbly sacrificed himself for them. Why? That's just the way He works.
Guess what? No matter how imperfect we see ourselves, God won''t see that. He sees the beautiful, kind people that He put on this Earth for a reason! I (nor you, sweet friend) am not a mistake. God loves me no matter how unworthy of His grace I am.
I know that for myself, I'm going to stop trying to be the perfect person. I decided that being perfect wouldn't be any fun anyway. Why? Well, because I want to be me. I'll be as perfect as He wants for me to be.
Hi Sydney, Great Post. I have a problem with feeling unworthy but the scriptures you've used are awesome. We have to keep telling ourselves how God sees us not how we see ourselves. God bless, Tracy. ps: I like beautiful things and your homepage is that!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this post. I, too, am a perfectionist and struggle to feel good enough.
ReplyDeleteStopping by from the Encouragement is Contagious linky party hosted by Melanie at www.onlyabreath.com
Thank you for this reminder that I don't have to strive for perfection. I too see my flaws more than I can see how I please the heart of God by my efforts. I am so thankful for His mercy.
ReplyDeleteI'll be perfect as He wants for me to be! i just love that line. Thank you for sharing this Sydney!
ReplyDeleteI'm following you!
visit mine and tell me what you think!
Beautiful. How many times I have become intent on being perfect. Each time I come back to realize God doesn't ask perfection -- He wants us to be who He made us to be. As you said, "Our Savior is perfect" and I'm so thankful for that.