Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mission Max... Please Help Save Him!

My heart goes out to this precious little boy. As you all know, I did a big "(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday" post this week featuring 16 beautiful faces from Reece's Rainbow. I'm praying for all of them. However, one little boy in particular caught my eye, or rather... my heart: Max. On his Reece's Rainbow page, in big red letters in says, " HELP! I HAVE ALREADY BEEN TRANSFERRED!!" Oh no. Max is already five and a half, so he was taken from his baby orphanage and put into a mental institution.

On Wednesday night, after my post, I was praying for God to provide me with a way to help someone. I didn't want just anything. I needed divine inspiration. Suddenly, it just came to me. MAX. I had this sudden epiphany. I knew that that was what I had to do. I couldn't shake the feeling. It was like God talking straight to me, telling me what I already new deep down inside: that I can't pass by knowing of Max's troubles and not do anything at all. That is no longer an option for me.  I know this is the direction God wants me to go in. Max, beautiful Max, is truly suffering. We have to do something for him.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is tha good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Max was born with a heart condition and he also has strabismus (when the eyes don't line up to the same direction they are focusing on. It is commonly known as cross-eyed.) However, he is such an adorable little blond haired, gray eyed boy. He is of a quiet nature, but the reason for this is the way his life has been.

On Patti's blog, A Perfect Lily, she posted an interview with Adeye Salem. Adeye has adopted 4 children, 2 of them from Reece's Rainbow. One of her daughters, Hailee, was living in the laying room at an orphange. A room where  cribs are jam packed into a small area, where children NEVER get out of their cribs, and  the only attention they get is when they are fed.

And in institutions, oh I don't even want to think about the horrors. Children are CHAINED to their cribs and they are heavily sedated so as not to "burden" the employee's. Adeye's baby, Hailee, weighed only 15 pound on her 5th birthday. Babies should weigh 15 pounds at a few months old!Ann Curry from thetoday Show went to Serbia to see hands on what these instititutions are like. There is a 5 minute video clip, but I was so higly disturbed and sickened that I couldn't finish it. To think of Max, sleeping the  numbered years he has away in a dark, dirty, horrible place, so severely underweight and underdeveloped, so deprived of love and nurturing, its HEARTBREAKING. This is why I know that I have to do SOMETHING.

I obviously cannot adopt Max. I'm  just not in that stage of life yet. I'm not even out of my teen years yet (but soon!).  However, if I could, I'd be their in a heartbeat. I know that there is someone out there that IS in the right stage of life. Someone who will love and cherish Max. Someone who will show Max the light he has never seen. I am so fearful for what will happen to Max if he is not adopted soon, but then again, I'm not. I know the Lord is watching over Max and I trust that Max will get a chance at life. I'm praying so hard for him, and I hope you will do the same. I DO have hope.

Please, God, watch over Max. Help him to find his perfect family VERY soon. He could use his guardian angels right about now. Please, save him!

Pray if you will, donate if you can, and spread the word!

God Bless,


P.S: Please, please, please don't forget about Olga, Kareen, Peter, etc. They need a place in your prayers just as much as Max!

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18 

Some of my very favorite Bible Verses!

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