Thursday, January 27, 2011

Godly Character Quality #6: Joyfulness!

Character Quality #6 describes exactly how I feel today: Joyful! The operational definition is: Joyfulness vs. Self-Pity: The spontaneous enthusiasm of my spirit when my soul is in fellowship with the Lord. -Psalm 16:11

I am at peace. I am walking with the Lord and I'm happy about it! If your spirit is truly a godly one, then you should rejoice.

It's not something I can explain. You just have to feel it for yourself. That peace, that never-ending joy deep down in your heart because you know you are right with the Lord.

Whoever trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.- Proverbs 16:20

Out of all the 49 character qualities I will analyze on this blog, Joy is the easiest one to obtain. Some might say, " How can you be happy ALL of the time? It's just too hard!" Well, the truth is, you can't be happy EVERY minute of every day. Of course, we all feel sadness, heartbreak, anger, and all of those other tough emotions. However, when you are feeling down in the dumps, there is a way to bring your spirits back up.  Prayer. Talk with the Lord, Praise the Lord, know that He loves you and wants to protect you from all the evils in the world. You just listen to Him, discover where He may be leading you, and go there! It's that simple.

When you say that first real prayer, that prayer for forgiveness, that prayer that He will cleanse you of all Sin and you will be made whole again in Him, you will feel it. It's this overwhelming joy over having a higher power in your life. You can turn to Him at anytime, anytime at all, and He will be delighted to listen.

Rejoice in the fact that there is someone who would die so that you could live the life you live. That someone is Jesus. He wanted you to live and celebrate life. So do it!

Joyfully Yours (and God Bless!),


P.S: What does joyfulness mean to YOU?

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