Anyone know what that means?
We have exactly 6 months until Christmas!
I doubt anyone else took note of this "monumental occasion", but with me, Christmas is always on my mind.
Maybe that's because I still have my Christmas tree up...
There. I said it! If you want to call me certifiably insane, go ahead. :)
I adore Christmas. Not for the presents (honestly, I was never very interested in receiving presents. My parents always had to beg me to think of Christmas ideas. They would make me sit down and think of 10 things I would like for Christmas before I could get up. No joke.)
When I was 12, I started buying Christmas gifts for my family, with my own money. I loved that fact that by doing something as simple as spending $20 on a DVD or a toy, I could make someone happy.
Growing up, I would always beg my parents to put up the Christmas tree early. Really early. Before Halloween early (this actually worked out, and even became the "norm" for our family, believe it or not).
There was never a year when I didn't beg my parents to keep the Christmas tree up. At that time, it was mainly because I hated having to take off each and every one of the ornaments, find the boxes, and put the tree in the basement for another year.
Lazy. But wait...
So, this past Christmas, I decided to go for it. We put away the "big" Christmas tree from our living room around the time we always do (New Years). The weekend after Christmas, I went to Walmart and bought one of those cute mini Christmas trees I had been wanting for a long time. (Keep in mind, it's already 2 days after Christmas.) I set it up and decorated it with maybe 12-15 ornaments, Done.
That's how it's been ever since! I'm sitting here now, in the early early morning, with just the light of my Christmas tree. I didn't leave this Christmas tree up just to give my bedroom a little sparkle, though.
I think of the Christmas tree as a reminder. During the November/December season, everyone is thankful. Thankful for each other, thankful for God's grace, appreciative of others, etc. People are happier, people are renewed. It seems that during the Christmas season, people become totally different.
And I just love it.
Christmas is a reminder for people to slow down. To take the time out of their busy schedules to think of others and to do something for others. It's the season on togetherness.
It all goes back to one of my favorite Bible verses:
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" {Acts 20:35}
Christmas reminds me to give. It reminds me that life is not all about me, and that my purpose is not to do just what's right for me. My purpose in life, and all of our purposes in life, is to serve others, bless others, and love God.
Simple, but so easy to forget. So that's why I feel like having my little, 3 foot purple Christmas tree lighting up my bedroom in June, is a good thing. It's really a blessing in disguise. It's not like I wake up every morning thinking about Christmas or anything. In fact, I don't really even notice the tree. It's just there. But sub-consciously, I'm always reminded of the Christmas spirit and attitude even when Christmas is 6 months away! :)
Plus... I mean, the tree is so cute!
Ok, so I am a Christmas lover, too!! I mean I absolutely adore Christmas-time. I love the feeling. I'm getting all giddy and smiling just writing about it. I mean I really, really love it! And I actually do not like getting presents and I hate opening them even more, but I love giving them. We are known to listen to Cmas music in June, July, August, but sometimes I can't because it makes me sad that it's not really Cmas time! Hahaha! It's nice to know there's another Christmas lover out there!