Monday, June 27, 2011

I CAN Do It {So Can You}!

One of my goals for this summer was to grow spiritually.

First and foremost? I wanted to start reading the Bible everyday.

I know, *shocker*! There have been many days when I simply haven't read my Bible at all. It's not because I don't want to. I do want to. It's just that I'm always so busy. I  get caught up in life, and I forget to set aside time for Bible study. Or I'm deep into some other project and I can't be "bothered" by my Bible.

One day last week, I actually wok up early for a change (I love waking up early. Love it. And I hate sleeping. I really do. But, it seems I have to sleep and since I always stay up really late, I end up sleeping in. Sigh.... You should have seen how happy I was when I woke up at 7:00 and 7:37 this past Wednesday and Thursday.). I made time for my Bible reading that morning. I randomly opened up my Bible and landed on Romans Chapter 5. I read for a little while. It was a fabulous way to start out my morning!

I've been praying about this a lot. I've had this goal to read through the entire Bible for a while. I am hardly familiar with the Old Testament at all! I set this goal, but I knew that without some serious help and guidance from above, I wasn't going to be able to do it.

"Trust in the Lord, and lean not on your own understanding." {Proverbs 3:5}

Bible In 90 Days

By some act of grace, I was led to a post on Mom's Toolbox:

As I read on, I was so grateful to have stumbled across this post. Just reading the first few lines, I knew this was the answer to my prayers:

Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible?

Now is your chance to do it and get encouragement all along the way.

You are invited to join hundreds of other readers in the Moms Toolbox community as we make our way through the entire Bible, cover to cover, just like a novel, in just 90 days. The reading begins July 11, and ends October 8.

Yes, you CAN do this. I’m going to be honest with you, though: It’s not easy, but it is simple.
Finally. The post goes on to explain more about how the program works and what the benefits of the program are. I couldn't sign up fast enough.

Everyone gets placed into accountability groups, and you some people will even get their own mentor for encouragement throughout the program.

What a blessing!

I can't tell you how excited I am about this program. I realize that it will be intense: We are trying to absorb all of God's Word in only 90 Days! Each day, you have to read 45-75 minutes. That's a lot! Amy, of Mom's Toolbox, encourages us to start praying about how we can clear that time from our busy schedules now. And I certainly am! The fellowship though, the community and the encouragement, that's what makes this worth it.

I'm praying that I actually go through with it this time! I CAN do this. I CAN read the Bible in 90 Days.

I'm asking God to help me prioritize my life, cut out the meaningless things, and make more time in my "busy schedule" to take in the breathtaking Word of God!

This program starts on July 11th, and you can sign up anytime before then. And I would really encourage you to do this. It's a big commitment, but it's not impossible! The rewards will be huge. I'm really excited to maybe finally find just the kind of accountability and motivation I need!

My motto going into this is one of my favorite Bible verses:

"Do not fear, only believe." {Mark 5:36}

I'll be praying for you if you decide to embark on this adventure, sweet friend, and I hope that you'll pray for me too!

Your Sister In Christ, Sydney


  1. 1. i'm LOVING the new blog layout.
    2. thank you SO much for introducing this to us! i'm on my way to go sign up! reading the whole bible is on my list of to dos this year but it's so tough 'making' myself do it. thanks girl!

  2. something I need to work on too! I always have trouble making the time to do it and I drag my feet but once I do ... it is so refreshing and I am so glad I did it! Very encouraging to hear!
