I’m sure none of us are strangers to this character quality. For some of us, it’s an ongoing daily struggle. Character Quality #13 is none other than: Punctuality vs. Tardiness: Showing high esteem for other people and their time. – Ecclesiastes 3:1
That definition just screams a certain profession to me. Do you know who I’m talking about? Doctors. I’ve never had an extreme problem with it, but let’s face it: Doctors are almost never on time. My dad gets extremely annoyed by that.
However, I don’t hold it against doctors. I mean, they have tons of patients and I’m sure they really want to build a relationship with each one, but it’s kind of hard to fit that plus an examination into a mere 15 minutes. J
This post isn’t really about doctors though. So lets move on… to us. Are you punctual? Do you respect other people’s time and commitments? I’m an it’s-better-to-be-way-too-early-than-to-be-way-too-late kind of person, so I don’t really struggle with this a whole lot. The thing I do appreciate punctuality with, though, is e-mails. Don’t ask me why, but I’m e-mail obsessed. I get different kinds of e-mails all throughout the day and I obsessively check them. That’s why I say that if you e-mail me you will get a reply very shortly! If you don’t specify a time I don’t mind, but when someone says they will get back to me soon, I’m so antsy! It bugs me if they take an entire week to respond back.
So we’ve hit doctors, ourselves/others, so what’s left? Oh right, GOD! How do you budget your time with God? When you commit to do something, like say, read the Bible at least 15 minutes a day, are you punctual with it? Or, like me, tardy? I really need to work on that. Above anything else, you should value your time with God the most. In the last few days I’ve really gotten more into my Bible reading and I’m really happy. I’m the kind of person who throws myself wholeheartedly into everything I do.
(Think J.O.Y: Jesus first, Others Second, Yourself last!)
The truth is, I really love punctuality and it’s an easy way to please me. (Or more like it’s an easy way for me to please myself.) J Let’s face it: If you are able to pull it off, everyone enjoys being punctual.